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Thread: Who is the best coach in UL football history?

  1. #1

    Default Who is the best coach in UL football history?

    Hud. Hands down. This year not withstanding, absolutely Hud. We have had a lot of good men hold the position (and some not very good men) but in terms of advancing the program, gotta be Hud.

    Aaaaannnnnd discuss ...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Who is the best coach in UL football history?


  3. #3

    Default Re: Who is the best coach in UL football history?

    Hud. No question about it.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Who is the best coach in UL football history?

    Are we talking just coaching? Like x's and o's?
    Or are you taking about everything in general. HUD has been our best damn AD ever

  5. #5

    Default Re: Who is the best coach in UL football history?

    Even after this year's debacle, Hud is the best until someone comes along and does better than him.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Who is the best coach in UL football history?

    Stokley. Not even a discussion. Go back and look at who stokley was playing. If he had HUDs schedule he would have many double digit win seasons in his career. He had some years with 4 or 5 p5 schools (today) and would still win six games. I would put any one of stokleys teams with Brian and Jake on them against any of HUDs teams. That is 8 years of his career.

    Stokley gets forgotten about because his last few years were awful when he got burned out.

  7. Default Re: Who is the best coach in UL football history?

    Different coaches, such as HUD and Stokley, were in different times and circumstances, so it's hard to say who is/was the best. That said, were still waiting for the best. The first one to leave here for a better coaching job is the answer.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Who is the best coach in UL football history?

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Different coaches, such as HUD and Stokley, were in different times and circumstances, so it's hard to say who is/was the best. That said, were still waiting for the best. The first one to leave here for a better coaching job is the answer.
    I can agree with that.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    The first one to leave here for a better coaching job is the answer.
    Winner winner chicken dinner.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Who is the best coach in UL football history?

    Most successful and best are two different things. Nelson Stokley was a darn football genius!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Who is the best coach in UL football history?

    You guys have me thinking about Stokely. Would it be fair to say that Stokely was responsible for pulling us out of the dark years, or would you say that it was Hud?

    If there is general consensus that it was Stokely, I might be convinced to change my vote. Pulling us out of the dark times would have to have been a herculean task.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Who is the best coach in UL football history?

    I do not know who is better but I do know that Stokley did more with less, a lot less.

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