Short of the few ex-collegiate football players and coaches on this board, the rest probably aren't very qualified to try and diagnose the issues and solutions with our current football program. However, even from afar most here can realize that ULM coaches are having to fight the same battle ours fought in the 90's in trying to maintain a competitive athletic program while the University so-called leaders are tying one hand and one foot behind your back.
-----Very true but also magnified when you think of comparisons like Lafayette to Monroe, the size of the school, the budget, the attendance, and the wealth and size of the town!!!
Mid-season firings normally do not accomplish anything. It was inevitable that Berry was done, but what good did they do by firing him before the season ended? Is this some kind of revenge thing for the benefit of the fans?
They could have went about the search for his replacement quietly and fired him the day after the season ended, but that would have required class.
See Coach Spurier's reason for resigning mid season.