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Thread: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

  1. #13

    Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    They let Troy put 59 on em and everybody was like, "Nah. He's aight."

    They get drummed by the best team in the conference and dude doesn't even make it out of the locker room.


  2. Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    Hud's support for Berry understandable. One of his best chance for a win. Bet he feels the same for the TXST coach. He won't lose a second of thought if the USA coach gets the axe.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    Does the timing of the firing make anyone else think it may have been an emotional reaction? I know Berry has had a tough time, but it isn't like ULM is throwing resources at him. I wonder who they think they can get to take that gig. Are they going to pull up some coach from high school? Are they talking to the coach from Evangel?

    How does a program get to a state where they are going to make a stupid emotional decision? (I'm looking at you, LSU.)

  4. Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    Wouldn't it be hilarious if they hired Coach Cook, and he came down to Lafayette and kicked our sss?

  5. #17

    Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    Mid-season firings normally do not accomplish anything. It was inevitable that Berry was done, but what good did they do by firing him before the season ended? Is this some kind of revenge thing for the benefit of the fans?

    They could have went about the search for his replacement quietly and fired him the day after the season ended, but that would have required class.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Wouldn't it be hilarious if they hired Coach Cook, and he came down to Lafayette and kicked our sss?
    Nope. Not funny.

  7. #19

    Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    I find it interesting two weeks before he was to take the team to Hawaii. The university had to already pay for his plane ticket and since they are non transferable, if I was him I would get on the plane and go to Hawaii for a vacation. I am sure he or the university bought his wife a ticket as well. The man did wonders for this program with nothing to work it, at least give him a trip to Hawaii.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    If the players quit on him, it was time for him to go. A scandal or losing your locker room are 2 reasons to me, to fire mid season.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    Quote Originally Posted by Lexhead View Post
    Does the timing of the firing make anyone else think it may have been an emotional reaction? I know Berry has had a tough time, but it isn't like ULM is throwing resources at him. I wonder who they think they can get to take that gig. Are they going to pull up some coach from high school? Are they talking to the coach from Evangel?

    How does a program get to a state where they are going to make a stupid emotional decision? (I'm looking at you, LSU.)

    A few names being listed here, Chris Scelfo, Frank Wilson, Shawn Dawson, Chip Lindsey, Curtis Luper, Mike Collins and current interim coach John Mumford.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    I thought all of his comments were fair and spot on. I understand the frustration with this season, but he didn't suddenly become an idiot on all topics.

    Short of the few ex-collegiate football players and coaches on this board, the rest probably aren't very qualified to try and diagnose the issues and solutions with our current football program. However, even from afar most here can realize that ULM coaches are having to fight the same battle ours fought in the 90's in trying to maintain a competitive athletic program while the University so-called leaders are tying one hand and one foot behind your back.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    Also in their situation, securing funds to find a salary price range is pretty important to what candidates they can go after.they have to start now putting a package together. Kind of hard to secure donors without a vacancy... That wouldn't be kept a secret very long if they tried.

  12. Default Re: Hudspeth takes shots at ULM's firing of Berry

    Quote Originally Posted by Crawfish View Post
    Mid-season firings normally do not accomplish anything. It was inevitable that Berry was done, but what good did they do by firing him before the season ended? Is this some kind of revenge thing for the benefit of the fans?

    They could have went about the search for his replacement quietly and fired him the day after the season ended, but that would have required class.
    ---To me it is quite obvious---recruiting----What a mix up that would be encountered with the old staff going out and maybe pushing kids to their new school and the new unnamed staff not being able to recruit or at other schools still---Don't forget the flippers and the flippees that could occur!!! Went through this once!!! lol

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