This all goes out the window if we lose to ulm. Lets get win #3 firstA 2 back set-up with Nixon and McGuire plus Haack at QB is certainly worth trying.
Looking at the remainder of the season, there is no team on our remaining schedule we cannot beat, App State being our most difficult game. Certainly, we will have to play much better to beat them. What we need to happen is for App State to beat GA Southern tonight and for App State to beat Ark State next week, giving Ark State 1 loss. S. Alabama's toughest games remaining are vs. UL, GA Southern and App State and they already have 1 loss. If GA Southern loses to App State, their toughest remaining game is vs. S. Alabama. In this scenario, every team will have at least 1 loss except App State. So, our game vs. App State could determine the conference championship or at best for UL a shared conference championship with only 1 loss. This is a scenario that could definitely play out. Given the way we are playing, winning the rest of our games, which are all possible as none of these teams are very good with the exception of S. Alabama, hope of winning the conference and beating App State is all we have to hang on to. Doesn't look likely at this point, but could happen if this team and coaches can get their _____ together. It ain't over 'til its over, so let's remain optimistic that we can still pull this off. And, if it happens, we finish 8-4 with a bowl game to play and a shot at another 9-4 season. That would be a huge salvage of a thus far very disappointing season.
UL (2-4, 1-1) plays ULM, GA State, S. Alabama, NM State, App State and Troy.
S. Alabama (3-3, 1-1) plays TX State, Idaho, UL, GA State, GA Southern, App State
Ark. State (4-3, 3-0) plays GA State, App State, ULM, NM State, TX State
App State (5-1, 3-0) plays GA Southern, Troy, Ark State, Idaho, UL, S. Alabama
GA Southern (5-1. 3-0) plays App State, TX State, Troy, Georgia, S. Alabama, GA State