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Thread: Intentional Grounding, The 2011 Rogue Coach NCAA Infractions

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    This was in relationship to a defamation suit filed by McNair against the NCAA. The NCAA had appealed and asked for the suit to be thrown out. The 3 judge panel upheld the suit indicating it was likely McNair would win it. They did seem to suggest that the punishment handed out to USC was not justified by the evidence however that isn't part of the suit. USC would have to file suit separately against the NCAA regarding that matter and that would be playing with fire.

    I doubt this has an immediate impact but there is now a crack in the door. They may now have a tougher time saying your guilty just because of lack of cooperation.
    Might make them a little more cautious in handling down punishment when no evidence exists. That's one of the big unresolved punishment issue. Bowls and scholarship reductions for payment when all we have is suspicion.

  2. #242

    Default Re: UL Lafayette issues statement on NCAA allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Vacating is done when an ineligible player competes.. One of the players in question participated in the 2011 games, hence the 2011 season vacated.
    were the names of the players ever released? would their future academic performance be a factor, i.e. if they graduated on time despite the questionable score, shows determination

  3. #243


    Quote Originally Posted by 31Ragin97 View Post
    were the names of the players ever released? would their future academic performance be a factor, i.e. if they graduated on time despite the questionable score, shows determination
    If Buckley reads this board, I doubt he will release any names after last week!

  4. UL Football Re: UL Lafayette issues statement on NCAA allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by 31Ragin97 View Post
    were the names of the players ever released? would their future academic performance be a factor, i.e. if they graduated on time despite the questionable score, shows determination
    Players being deemed ineligible as freshman can never be cleansed. They were not eligible at the time they played and we have acknowledged that. Those games are gone. They can be good for every year after that first year provided they meet all other university, and NCAA qualifications.

  5. Default Re: UL Lafayette issues statement on NCAA allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Players being deemed ineligible as freshman can never be cleansed. They were not eligible at the time they played and we have acknowledged that. Those games are gone. They can be good for every year after that first year provided they meet all other university, and NCAA qualifications.
    I'm a little slow on the uptake, I still don't grasp why a player was deemed ineligible.

  6. Default Re: Intentional Grounding, The 2011 Rogue Coach NCAA Infractions

    His qualifying tests were proven fraudulent. He admitted to being part of the scam. The coach refused to cooperate. This is the NCAA not criminal court, your refusal to cooperate can be inference of guilt.

  7. Default Re: Intentional Grounding, The 2011 Rogue Coach NCAA Infractions

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    His qualifying tests were proven fraudulent. He admitted to being part of the scam. The coach refused to cooperate. This is the NCAA not criminal court, your refusal to cooperate can be inference of guilt.
    They were not "his" tests and acknowledging that you helped schedule, is not admission to scam.


  8. #248

    Default Re: Intentional Grounding, The 2011 Rogue Coach NCAA Infractions

    I don't know if it's been stated or not in this thread, but does Ole Miss have a tit in the ringer with the NCAA over this mess?

  9. Default Re: Intentional Grounding, The 2011 Rogue Coach NCAA Infractions

    Not yet.

  10. #250

    Default Re: Intentional Grounding, The 2011 Rogue Coach NCAA Infractions

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Might make them a little more cautious in handling down punishment when no evidence exists. That's one of the big unresolved punishment issue. Bowls and scholarship reductions for payment when all we have is suspicion.
    If it were a Big 5 School with what exist as any shred of evidence would that too come punishment be the same? Would be nice if A + B = C across the board! Would be nicer if those people like donors and testing sites saw fines and small amount of community time /Jail time for breaking the rules as coaches lose jobs and should be fined as well, where evidence is found. Players, Universities, couches and programs that did NO wrong should not be penalized, if they did nothing wrong! Those that commit the wrong doing should be hit with loss of scholarships, fines, and community and/or Community/Jail time!

  11. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun View Post
    If it were a Big 5 School with what exist as any shred of evidence would that too come punishment be the same? Would be nice if A + B = C across the board! Would be nicer if those people like donors and testing sites saw fines and small amount of community time /Jail time for breaking the rules as coaches lose jobs and should be fined as well, where evidence is found. Players, Universities, couches and programs that did NO wrong should not be penalized, if they did nothing wrong! Those that commit the wrong doing should be hit with loss of scholarships, fines, and community and/or Community/Jail time!
    Shoulda, coulda. Wooda. The NCAA isn't ever giving up that stick. Your coach's actions unbeknownst to his bosses is still your coach.
    They're making sure you don't have that I didn't know excuse.

    As far as Ole Miss? We may have our well founded suspicions, but zero evidence to make such allegations.

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