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Thread: Intentional Grounding, The 2011 Rogue Coach NCAA Infractions

  1. Default Re: Who is David Saunders?

    If he is at Pearl River, I hope we never get a player from there. The potential for "stank" is too high.

  2. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    The allegation probably is less about UL and more about David Saunders. Pretty much kills his college career. On line, he seems to be gone with the wind.
    Rightfully so

  3. #135


    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Five years window is closed for Ole Miss. They're home free. Let the necksters and the TooLamers throw houses always come around. It's funny to watch the ULmost gang, given their basketball program got rocked just a few years ago. Given their financial straits, they susceptible to all kind of "lack of institutional control" situations. Not saying they are doing anything wrong, but PB&J can be a bit pricey.
    100% of those cats ain't going to read any of the NCAA/UL responses anyhow. Seems this is a Saunders issue and less a UL issue, of course we will have to bite the bullet. As always kids who have no attachment to the actual issues will be punished the most, because history has shown that to always work (not!)

  4. #136

    Default Re: UL Lafayette issues statement on NCAA allegations

    We are the lead story on NBC Sports Talk online.......sigh.....Is it too early to start drinking???

  5. #137

    Default Re: UL responds to NCAA investigation

    Quote Originally Posted by Fais do-do View Post
    SEC team, no problem cheating.
    Small G5 school......problem.
    Oh, BTW, the statue of limitations is over for the SEC team....our bad!
    Coincidence? I think not.

  6. #138
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: UL Lafayette issues statement on NCAA allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by TechAlum05 View Post
    I was talking about the mentality of the NCAA when it comes to "lack of institutional control". It is sort of the "catch call regulation" by the NCAA.

    It depends on how officials in charge of compliance at the university are doing their job, what rules are in place, and if the rules are properly enforced by those in charge.

    I clarified my comments in the original post.
    There are cases where the direct offense, through investigation, warrants "lack of institutional control" reprimands. There are cases where the program in question has no connection, through investigation, to the actions of a particular individual. My gripe is when the latter is the case and the NCAA/university simply imposes sanctions on the university/itself... when there is no evidence the infraction was known to anyone but an individual. When an individual can profit (in this case professionally) from the infraction, you cannot say that the university contributed. You must investigate. And if there is no evidence that anyone did know about, or should have known about the activity... there should be ZERO direct punishment to the university.

    A university getting punished, even if they benefit from the infraction, where there is no evidence anyone other than the individual knew about the deed, and there's no investigative evidence of a "lack of institutional control", does nothing to stop these kinds of infractions. And too often, the individual is far removed from the scene of the crime, and isn't held directly accountable.

    I anticipate the day that the NCAA gets sued, class action, by a group of boosters, and loses a large sum of money... and establishes precedence for in kind civil suits. There are many cases that the whole gets punished for the sins of the few, but not by design. This is such an arbitrary system of justice, it intentionally punishes the whole for the actions of, in some cases, an individual... with no evidence whatsoever that anyone other than the individual is involved.

    That said... I'm always concerned when I see a company (or university) "cut a deal" or "fall on their sword"... before the trial. In our case, I still see this as a legal consultant, versed in NCAA protocol, advising the university to self impose in order to move forward, and avoid the systematic wrath of the NCAA.

    One of these days... some boosters will unite and punch a hole in the NCAA in civil court... especially in light of the unbalanced distribution of justice in these cases. I would say that my emotional distress at this very moment is worth one million... I mean... one billion dollars.

  7. #139

    Default Re: UL Lafayette issues statement on NCAA allegations

    Dang. Went to bed feeling better after a decent win Saturday. This morning I read this. I'm feeling some deja vu.

  8. #140

    Default Re: UL Lafayette issues statement on NCAA allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Five years window is closed for Ole Miss. They're home free. Let the necksters and the TooLamers throw houses always come around. It's funny to watch the ULmost gang, given their basketball program got rocked just a few years ago. Given their financial straits, they susceptible to all kind of "lack of institutional control" situations. Not saying they are doing anything wrong, but PB&J can be a bit pricey.
    But is it?

    They were being questioned in 2013 for something that apparently happened at Ole Miss in 2010.

    Can they drop the issue as soon as it hits a certain date?

    And if the issue extends beyond Saunders to Crager, when did she leave her position?

  9. #141

    Default Re: UL Lafayette issues statement on NCAA allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    But is it?

    They were being questioned in 2013 for something that apparently happened at Ole Miss in 2010.

    Can they drop the issue as soon as it hits a certain date?
    You are correct, I do not think Ole Miss will get off with nothing. But I do think the NCAA will be harder on us.

  10. #142

    Default Re: Who is David Saunders?

    Quote Originally Posted by Reality Check View Post
    Yeah, like Saunders did all of this on his own. Hudspeth knew nothing about any of this. He was just a renegade handing out money to players, etc. I guess he paid them with his own money to induce them to signing with UL? What is the term that the politicians always use? "Plausible deniability".
    ____ off

  11. #143

    Default Re: Who is David Saunders?

    Who is he?

    I'll just leave this here.

  12. #144

    Default Re: Who is David Saunders?

    Back at you d**che!

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