Some of the most devastating program injuries came under Coach Bustle. The issues we had with not being competitive against Akron and Tech were not due to the excessive injury situation. It contributed... but it was not the reason for the lack of competitiveness. It's tough to open the year with Kentucky... go down 21 points due to poor play... then come back in the second half in their stadium... and argue that we don't have the talent due to injury. We did not prepare well for the start of this season, knowing we're up against teams of a higher caliber than what we face in the SBC. It happens every year. And as much as it puzzles everyone that it could happen again... we could actually get the 7 wins this season and do our 8-4. Not likely... but almost as likely as we did it last year. All need to remember... we didn't get the 7 last year by dominating. We barely won some of those games. It only takes a ball bouncing funny one way or the other for us to win two more SBC games... or lose two more SBC games. But to be noncompetitive against Akron and Tech... that took deliberate failure.