Alumni Association is sponsoring a bus trip to the La. Tech game on Oct. 3rd. To date, two buses are full and they are accepting registration for a waiting list. 10+ folks to date are on the waiting list. If enough interest is shown ( ~ 30 more folks sign up on the waiting list), an attempt to secure a third bus will be made. I presume that the sooner they see there is enough additional interest, the sooner they can begin attempts to secure a third bus and the greater the likelihood they will be successful in doing so. There is a link to register for the waiting list on the Alumni website. Shown below is the link to the Alumni Association Website. Look on the bottom right hand corner of the page for upcoming events. There you will see the info about the trip. Hopefully, enough folks sign up for the third bus as that is my preferred method of going. Somehow, I missed the original email asking folks to sign up for the trip.