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Thread: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

  1. #13

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    3,600 freshmen this year would take ahwile for all of them to run out this season
    I had heard that the number of freshmen this year is over 3,200, which is about a 10% increase from last year. Did you hear that it is 3,600? Because a 10% increase is awesome, but an 25% would be freaking awesome, lol.

  2. #14

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    3,600 freshmen this year would take ahwile for all of them to run out this season
    Maybe 25% would show up.

  3. #15

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    I heard 3,400 to 3,600 from my cousin who works in the Union .. idk how accurate he is though

  4. #16

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    I heard 3,400 to 3,600 from my cousin who works in the Union .. idk how accurate he is though
    Man, we can hope. I think it is at least 3,200, but something tells me that is might be closer to your cousin's est, as it just seems that the UL officials are about to burst with a secret every time they talk about it, lol, because they can't make an official announcement yet.

    Of course, and like I said earlier, just getting 3,200 freshmen would be totally awesome for us. Not to mention that if all the other categories maintain or also grow, it will be a banner year indeed. Keep in mind that this has all been done while practically the entire campus has been a construction zone for the lst 3-4 years. Now that everything is almost done, it should get even better.

    I just hope we get the old OLOL property soon, as it appears we gonna need it sooner rather than later, ;-)

  5. #17

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    This was posted on Facebook. Saying over 3100+

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  6. #18

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    Yeah, I saw this same pic, but with a different amount:

    "Congratulations to the 3,200 new Ragin' Cajuns that were welcomed to campus this week. Begin, Believe, Become!!!!"

    Funny, when I saw it this morning it was in the UL Alumni or future Alumni FB page, but it seems that it has since been removed from there. I don't know who the guy that posted is....

  7. #19

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    I was hoping before long we'd be getting into the 4,000 range.

  8. #20

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    I was hoping before long we'd be getting into the 4,000 range.
    ah, but we will, we will. Now that all the construction is almost done look for our numbers to continue to grow.

  9. Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    Yeah, I saw this same pic, but with a different amount:

    "Congratulations to the 3,200 new Ragin' Cajuns that were welcomed to campus this week. Begin, Believe, Become!!!!"

    Funny, when I saw it this morning it was in the UL Alumni or future Alumni FB page, but it seems that it has since been removed from there. I don't know who the guy that posted is....
    ----Well from now on we all say20K enrollment----got it???? 20K 20K 20K 20K Cajuns!!! and our stadium now holds 40K 40K 40K got it????40K!!!! Hud math is very close to the real thing!!!

  10. #22

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    ah, but we will, we will. Now that all the construction is almost done look for our numbers to continue to grow.
    With a listed enrollment of about 18,000, and assuming you lose students due to attrition as they progress, I would have thought the freshman class would have had to be about 5,000 already. I just find it curious.

  11. #23

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    Although they do lose students over the years, hardly anyone finishes in four years. Plus I can imagine there are also students that transfer in from other universities to be closer to home and those coming from the community college here in town. That would be my guess.

  12. #24

    Default Re: UL Students Invited To First Ever Student Appreciation Practice On Thursday

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    Although they do lose students over the years, hardly anyone finishes in four years. Plus I can imagine there are also students that transfer in from other universities to be closer to home and those coming from the community college here in town. That would be my guess.
    Just from gathering info from the UL homepage, and a couple of other pages, I think that they track, and are trying to increase the following categories of students: 1st time freshmen, new transfers, out of state and international students. Each of these saw nice growth last year, which led to us having the highest % increase in the state.
    Since we were discussing incoming freshmen, here are some facts about them:
    In 2014 we increased that bucket from 2,670 to 2,922, which is a good 9.4% increase. If we are indeed now at ~3,200, that is about the same/slightly better than last year.
    So if the other categories also improve we should have another over-all good year. And with Hud working his magic on them, lol, that will mean our student-assessed fees will great.

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