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Thread: Steve Hale Interview

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by douglas View Post
    Honest question. People believe that university employees pick up a phone and tell someone to go say something on ragin pagin?
    It has been proven that this happens

  2. #266

    Default Re: Steve Hale to address Cajun Nation on 103.7FM today at 6 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Or...they were told what to say to derail what everyone just heard. It failed. You seem to be the only one inquiring. It's inconsequential. And I think you realize that.
    Thanks for the advice, honestly, but I do believe I'm capable of deciding what's inconsequential, and if the comment we're discussing is accurate, it's anything but inconsequential.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by MissWhammy View Post
    This guy talks about branding, scholarships, foundation, marketing, having access money, advertisements etc. Why did FAU, FIU, WKU, UNT etc.. got invited to C-USA and we did not, we are small time thinking program. Face it you may want better, our administration is happy where we are.
    And to this point, it's our damn fault for not demanding better. We have an opportunity right now to make a difference in the university's future. Let them hear you, and hit
    Them where it account

  4. #268


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Or...they were told what to say to derail what everyone just heard. It failed. You seem to be the only one inquiring. It's inconsequential. And I think you realize that.
    No he's not.

    Why didn't Mr. Hale submit references with his resume'?

    And when was his resume' submitted?

    Did somebody associated with this whole thing suggest he didn't have to worry about them?

    Was that person in the position to suggest that?

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunfanatico View Post
    Thanks for the advice, honestly, but I do believe I'm capable of deciding what's inconsequential, and if the comment we're discussing is accurate, it's anything but inconsequential.
    Unless you're new here, apparently you're not capable. Everyone else sees this clown for what he is and why he dropped the drive by seed of doubt.. Always happens mysteriously

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    No he's not.

    Why didn't Mr. Hale submit references with his resume'?

    And when was his resume' submitted?

    Did somebody associated with this whole thing suggest he didn't have to worry about them?

    Was that person in the position to suggest that?
    Considering the courtship and the fact that Charlie refered to him as a friend, I doubt he was asked to include references

  7. #271
    douglas's Avatar douglas is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Steve Hale to address Cajun Nation on 103.7FM today at 6 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Explain the number of guests viewing the thread...
    101 guests. Lets Half-ish that number-50 guests. There are 50 university employees reading this telling someone to say something? Ill even say half that, 25 university employees.

  8. Default Re: Steve Hale to address Cajun Nation on 103.7FM today at 6 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    And to this point, it's our damn fault for not demanding better. We have an opportunity right now to make a difference in the university's future. Let them hear you, and hit
    Them where it account
    ----I guess my question remains as to what happened----Charlie invites him out last year and hears all that we heard today and I think pretty impressive -----the money raising is not that complicated as so many of these events are charity driven----however he starts off the interview with saying how he and Moncla and others are good friends---Did he ask them what happened to his status to drop off so much as to not be a finalist?? This is where things don't add up and maybe T got an answer off the air---Time as usual will spell out the answer!!!

  9. #273


    Quote Originally Posted by douglas View Post
    101 guests. Lets Half-ish that number-50 guests. There are 50 university employees reading this telling someone to say something? Ill even say half that, 25 university employees.
    Why all the attention? It's not important. Not important enough to warrant anyone other than us small timers to pay attention. I know it benefits you to support the current administration...just like it works for Jay. Regardless...they are paying attention.

  10. #274

    Default Re: Steve Hale to address Cajun Nation on 103.7FM today at 6 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    No he's not.

    Why didn't Mr. Hale submit references with his resume'?

    And when was his resume' submitted?

    Did somebody associated with this whole thing suggest he didn't have to worry about them?

    Was that person in the position to suggest that?
    Because he thought he was going to be given that opportunity in a official interview with the executive committee. I think this has been asked more then once on this forum and the answer is probably not to your satisfaction. I don't think the decision had anything to do with his qualifications, especially if the fundraiser will be answering directly to our AD and Mr. Blohm on the university side. But I will hold my final decision upon the announcement of the official hire and after the statements made by all involved.

  11. #275
    douglas's Avatar douglas is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Steve Hale to address Cajun Nation on 103.7FM today at 6 pm

    i try to be a voice of reason on here. Anyone want to wait until we know who gets the job? This isn't a lifetime appointment, if he or she shows that they are incapable of the job then so be it.

    This discussion reached epic absurdity when people started calling each other witches, the best part, i know these supposed "witches" and no offense to my witch posse...its hysterical that you would have any stroke on campus. Sorry,real talk, you are not powerful in any facet of life, but you already know this. i'll now bow out, who knows maybe ill log out and become and infamous guest.

  12. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post

    I guess my question remains as to what happened

    Charlie invites him out last year and hears all that we heard today and I think pretty impressive

    -the money raising is not that complicated as so many of these events are charity driven

    however he starts off the interview with saying how he and Moncla and others are good friends---Did he ask them what happened to his status to drop off so much as to not be a finalist?? This is where things don't add up and maybe T got an answer off the air---Time as usual will spell out the answer!!!

    Still getting to the bottom of that specifically... But we think we're on to something.. Like
    I said, more to come. And btw, my picture is my old golf bag with 2 buckets of balls on the range in Mt Pleasant, TX.

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