----I guess my question remains as to what happened----Charlie invites him out last year and hears all that we heard today and I think pretty impressive -----the money raising is not that complicated as so many of these events are charity driven----however he starts off the interview with saying how he and Moncla and others are good friends---Did he ask them what happened to his status to drop off so much as to not be a finalist?? This is where things don't add up and maybe T got an answer off the air---Time as usual will spell out the answer!!!
Because he thought he was going to be given that opportunity in a official interview with the executive committee. I think this has been asked more then once on this forum and the answer is probably not to your satisfaction. I don't think the decision had anything to do with his qualifications, especially if the fundraiser will be answering directly to our AD and Mr. Blohm on the university side. But I will hold my final decision upon the announcement of the official hire and after the statements made by all involved.
i try to be a voice of reason on here. Anyone want to wait until we know who gets the job? This isn't a lifetime appointment, if he or she shows that they are incapable of the job then so be it.
This discussion reached epic absurdity when people started calling each other witches, the best part, i know these supposed "witches" and no offense to my witch posse...its hysterical that you would have any stroke on campus. Sorry,real talk, you are not powerful in any facet of life, but you already know this. i'll now bow out, who knows maybe ill log out and become and infamous guest.
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