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Thread: Shooting at the Grand theater on Johnston.........

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by shasta View Post
    I find it hard to believe people are _____ing that he showed up, if he hadn't then everybody would be mad that he didn't because he was too busy campaigning, talk about a no win situation for him with some people.
    Dude did you see the initial interview? It was gross. Obviously speaking to the country rather than the people of Lafayette. The last thing Lafayette needs is a bunch of politicians coming here to use this tragedy to their benefit. Obama can stay where he is, with his mouth in the closed position; same for Jindal.

    We got this. No outside help needed.

  2. #38

    Default Re: Shooting at the Grand theater on Johnston.........

    Terrible. No words can describe it. What demons must a man possess to open up fire in a crowded theater like that? Sure the man had a criminal past...but this ain't criminal. He wasn't holding up the theater for their wallets. This is maniacal. This is pure insanity. Prayers to the families of the departed and those injured. No need for this ____ to happen.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Shooting at the Grand theater on Johnston.........

    Come on guys, two young ladies were killed, enough with the political crap. Kudos to the teacher who put herself in danger to save others. Kudos to the local law enforcement for the job they did. Kudos to everyone involved that helped with the situation. This is why I will ALWAYS consider Lafayette my home and damn proud of it. Keep praying and doing what you can do to help all those involved!

  4. #40

    Default Re: Shooting at the Grand theater on Johnston.........

    Apparently the guy had an escape plan that was thwarted by the quick reponse by police. Kudos to the LPD and LPSO for keeping this maniac from escaping and potentially endangering more lives.

    And prayers to all that were/are affected by this _______, both physically and emotionally.

  5. #41

    Default Re: Shooting at the Grand theater on Johnston.........

  6. #42

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  7. #43

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  8. #44

    Default Re: Shooting at the Grand theater on Johnston.........

  9. #45

    Default Re: Shooting at the Grand theater on Johnston.........

    Quote Originally Posted by sportsfanatic21 View Post
    Apparently the guy had an escape plan that was thwarted by the quick reponse by police. Kudos to the LPD and LPSO for keeping this maniac from escaping and potentially endangering more lives.

    And prayers to all that were/are affected by this _______, both physically and emotionally.
    Guy must have been mentally deranged if he thought he could open fire in a theater and just casually stroll out.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Shooting at the Grand theater on Johnston.........

  11. #47

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  12. #48

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