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Thread: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

  1. #13

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    OMG! I know....the library is so waaaaay over looks terrible. The same thing with the alumni house: another beautiful and unique building....and you can't even see it for all the trees directly in front of it (and not the oaks, lol). And mostly the 'trees' are nothing more than crepe myrtles....which are not more than weeds, in my book, and I hate them. lol. I sure hope they do some SERIOUS pruning/removing at both places.

    And I was very much hoping that the we could keep the overlook: I think we all agree that there are a LOT of different things they could do with it, at probably the same or less cost.

    Thanks again for offering your assistance in getting this are a stand-up kind of guy. And I REALLY hope that they enlist you for the brainstorming part as well.

    p.s. And I think they could clean up the view towards the French house, when you are on St Mary. Another example of overplanting which covers up a fantastic building.

  2. Sunbelt Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    Not sure if you are being facetious or not, but that is exactly right: our name is the Louisiana Ragin Cajuns. Our logo is the FDL. And our mascots s/b the gators.....Louis & Anna and their kids, who live right in the middle of our campus, in their own, authentic, beautiful and UNIQUE lake.
    Are there other schools with the same mascot? Yes, but very few if you compare that to all the tiggers, puppies, ,cowboys, etc., etc. there are out there. Plus, do any of the other 'gators' have live ones, living in a swamp right on their campus?
    You won me over. Period, end of conversation.

    We need to start a group, UL Alumni For A Gator as Mascot.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    no way: I am going to start a group on FB, but it will be called "Kill the Pepper." I'll provide the link once it is started.
    I mean, if they can tear down the berlin wall, surely we can get this accomplished, right?

  4. Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Well you have finally won me over. The gator is the prefect mascot for a school surrounded by the greatest wetlands in the USA. Forget that Florida has a gator, UNO uses a gator. Our unique nick name's use of Louisiana Ragin'Cajuns, the Fleur De Lis, and a gator seems to be a seamless weave of fine Louisiana silk fabric. Tie it to the Swamp and you have finally found the icons needed to end this ever ongoing search for what represents a Ragin'Cajun.
    ----I would like to see every time we use Swamp we always use "The Original SWAMP"-----And C EX I think I have been bitten by the Gator idea!!!

  5. #17

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Well, I don't know how many RP'S are also on Facebook, but if so, here is the new group to get a new mascot:

  6. #18

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    Here are the florida mascots. I could see ours having "Louis" & "Anna" on them....seems that would be a whole lot better than a fricking chili pepper!
    Here is our mascot. Different from Florida's. And, we can still have a Louie and Anna with the red gator.

    Louisiana Ragin Cajuns in "The Swamp" with a Gator mascot. Only two schools in the country with a gator mascot, Louisiana and Florida.

    And, it maintains the connection to the Swamp on campus and the Swamp at Cajun Field (time to rename it LOUISIANA Stadium).

    Like the University of Texas that names its campus the "40 Acres", maybe we should call our campus, athletic and academic, "The Swamp".
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  7. #19

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Here is our mascot. Different from Florida's. And, we can still have a Louie and Anna with the red gator.

    Louisiana Ragin Cajuns in "The Swamp" with a Gator mascot. Only two schools in the country with a gator mascot, Louisiana and Florida.

    And, it maintains the connection to the Swamp on campus and the Swamp at Cajun Field (time to rename it LOUISIANA Stadium).

    Like the University of Texas that names its campus the "40 Acres", maybe we should call our campus, athletic and academic, "The Swamp".

    Man, that looks GREAT! Right now I only see a thumbnail....which we could see it full size. I'd also like to add it to the FB page, if you don't mind.

  8. Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    The overlook is used more than many realize. I have grandchildren from out of state. One of the things they like to do is visit the lake to feed the fish and see the gators. More often than not when we go, we meet tourists and other grandparents doing the same.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    Man, that looks GREAT! Right now I only see a thumbnail....which we could see it full size. I'd also like to add it to the FB page, if you don't mind.
    I didn't create the gator mascot, but love it. Would whoever created it take credit for it and provide a larger version?

  10. Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    I didn't create the gator mascot, but love it. Would whoever created it take credit for it and provide a larger version?
    ----And please get a copy write (right)---Never know how the guys to the East would "COPY" this!!!

  11. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Here is our mascot. Different from Florida's. And, we can still have a Louie and Anna with the red gator.

    Louisiana Ragin Cajuns in "The Swamp" with a Gator mascot. Only two schools in the country with a gator mascot, Louisiana and Florida.

    And, it maintains the connection to the Swamp on campus and the Swamp at Cajun Field (time to rename it LOUISIANA Stadium).

    Like the University of Texas that names its campus the "40 Acres", maybe we should call our campus, athletic and academic, "The Swamp".
    UNO has a gator. Not a live one but a person in a gator suit. We'd be stepping on in state toes. I don't care about their toes. Just know there will be squawking.

  12. #24
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    UNO has a gator. Not a live one but a person in a gator suit. We'd be stepping on in state toes. I don't care about their toes. Just know there will be squawking.
    Our red gator would eat their gator... toes and all.

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