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Thread: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

  1. #1

    Default Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    (I started to put this in the Student Union Construction thread, but thought it might warrant its own instead.)

    I recently spoke to Steve Oubre, the architect behind the new Student Union, the Campus master plan, and also River Ranch/Sugar Mill Pond, etc.

    He told me that they are currently working on a master plan/design plan for Cypress Lake and its surrounding areas….especially the 'new' areas once the eye-sore buildings are gone.

    I don't have a whole lot of info, but what I did learn I am encouraged…mostly because I know that there is a great sense of awareness of how special and unique the lake is to both UL, and the city/region in general. To that end, this will be a specific master plan just for that area, and will not only provide a cohesive design for it, but will also help prioritize projects.

    Some of the things that he stated the plan would address: improving the retention wall (rebuilding it to match the new portions, getting rid of the chain link fence), improving the sidewalks, lighting, new green spaces, etc. I know some here have stated that they would like to see the lake enlarged, but I get the feeling that that will not happen.

    But I think the most interesting thing that I learned is in regards to the Guillory Hall over-look: he told me that it will NOT be demolished right away, as it is actually a retention wall and there aren't any existing plans to let them know its importance/structure/etc. It was pretty clear to even me that is a substantial structure, just by looking underneath it and see how it is connected to building. Maybe Helmut can give is professional thoughts on this?? Anyway, I also strongly suspect that this is merely a reprieve, and that it will eventually be demolished……. but then again, maybe it will prove to be too expensive to do so, forcing them to incorporate it into the new design?

    In any event, I feel much better that if it is demolished then something even better will take its place. When all is said and done it the whole area will be MUCH improved.

    Of course, I am equally certain that other RP's will not see the glass as 'half-full' like I do, ;-)

    Anyway, sorry for the long post, but wanted to share what I had learned.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Thanks for that update ... It sounds promising ... I am hopeful that it will really be a green area. At one time, it was rumored that a large bicycle park would be around/near the lake which did not sound good to me.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    I have expressed my distress to Steve a few times about the potential removal of the overlook. I have wondered how they would demolish it at the same time keeping the gators in the lake. One one occasion a gator did indeed get out of the lake and wound up in my back street neighbors yard. The unsettling thing about that is that my home is between his house and the lake. It also meant that the gator crossed University Avenue (probably at night).

    In my talks with Steve, I felt that he understands the importance of that portion of the campus to many people. You cold go there almost any time over the weekends and find a visitor or student sitting there feeding the fish or taking photographs. I would meet many people there from all over. I think they can do something to make it nice and incorporate it into the new area. They could even make it a stage for concerts, speeches and pep rallies.

    I was contemplating approaching Steve to offer my services gratis to the University to assist in designing something for the area. I guess I will shoot him an e-mail tomorrow.

  4. Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Nice offer, you are gracious with the gratis.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Yep, I had some of the same thoughts:

    1. Seems to me that once the building is gone, it would be a pretty simple to build access ramps/steps on the approaches from Hebrard and the student u. Then they could build more ramps/steps (with trees and benches, etc.) leading down to the new green space.

    2. Then they could rehab the whole thing: give it some kind of cover, change the all the metal parts (the railings, grill over the lake, etc.), re-surface it (with red bricks?), and maybe even expanded more over the lake. There are lots of possibilities….I am sure that Steve and his team could come up with some great schemes.

    3. And I really like the thought of being able to use it as a stage....for music, pep-rallies, announcements, etc. That is a great idea, and you should definitely share it with Steve.

    This just seems like a cheaper and better solution rather than demolishing it and then rebuilding a new structure….plus we would be preserving a very nice piece of our history.

    And I can't stand that darn chain-link fence: it is cheap and ugly looking. There should be the same retaining wall around its entire circumference...better for the appearance and for keeping the gators contained.

    If you do get involved it would definitely be a win-win for us, as they/we would get your expertise, plus we would then be able to get the scoop as things occur, ;-)

  6. Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    The first time the Swamp dried up in the 1920's (due to road drainage projects) they used it for small concerts and plays.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Yeah, I've seen pics of this. Better to keep the lake full, and have the concerts/plays/etc. in the new green space, lol.

    And I will say this to my dying day: why can't someone see that the ALIGATORS are the perfect mascot(s) for us????? Instead we have a chili pepper????? I mean we already have the perfect habitat for them, etc. Sometimes it seems that the most obvious answers are the ones that are most difficult to get people to understand.

  8. Sunbelt Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Well you have finally won me over. The gator is the prefect mascot for a school surrounded by the greatest wetlands in the USA. Forget that Florida has a gator, UNO uses a gator. Our unique nick name's use of Louisiana Ragin'Cajuns, the Fleur De Lis, and a gator seems to be a seamless weave of fine Louisiana silk fabric. Tie it to the Swamp and you have finally found the icons needed to end this ever ongoing search for what represents a Ragin'Cajun.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Well you have finally won me over. The gator is the prefect mascot for a school surrounded by the greatest wetlands in the USA. Forget that Florida has a gator, UNO uses a gator. Our unique nick name's use of Louisiana Ragin'Cajuns, the Fleur De Lis, and a gator seems to be a seamless weave of fine Louisiana silk fabric. Tie it to the Swamp and you have finally found the icons needed to end this ever ongoing search for what represents a Ragin'Cajun.
    Not sure if you are being facetious or not, but that is exactly right: our name is the Louisiana Ragin Cajuns. Our logo is the FDL. And our mascots s/b the gators.....Louis & Anna and their kids, who live right in the middle of our campus, in their own, authentic, beautiful and UNIQUE lake.
    Are there other schools with the same mascot? Yes, but very few if you compare that to all the tiggers, puppies, ,cowboys, etc., etc. there are out there. Plus, do any of the other 'gators' have live ones, living in a swamp right on their campus?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Here are the florida mascots. I could see ours having "Louis" & "Anna" on them....seems that would be a whole lot better than a fricking chili pepper!

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  11. Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    Yeah, I've seen pics of this. Better to keep the lake full, and have the concerts/plays/etc. in the new green space, lol.

    And I will say this to my dying day: why can't someone see that the ALIGATORS are the perfect mascot(s) for us????? Instead we have a chili pepper????? I mean we already have the perfect habitat for them, etc. Sometimes it seems that the most obvious answers are the ones that are most difficult to get people to understand.
    The Alligator has been featured more times in UL literature than any other animal.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Guillory Hall Overlook/Cypess Lake

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    Yep, I had some of the same thoughts:

    1. Seems to me that once the building is gone, it would be a pretty simple to build access ramps/steps on the approaches from Hebrard and the student u. Then they could build more ramps/steps (with trees and benches, etc.) leading down to the new green space.

    2. Then they could rehab the whole thing: give it some kind of cover, change the all the metal parts (the railings, grill over the lake, etc.), re-surface it (with red bricks?), and maybe even expanded more over the lake. There are lots of possibilities….I am sure that Steve and his team could come up with some great schemes.

    3. And I really like the thought of being able to use it as a stage....for music, pep-rallies, announcements, etc. That is a great idea, and you should definitely share it with Steve.

    This just seems like a cheaper and better solution rather than demolishing it and then rebuilding a new structure….plus we would be preserving a very nice piece of our history.

    And I can't stand that darn chain-link fence: it is cheap and ugly looking. There should be the same retaining wall around its entire circumference...better for the appearance and for keeping the gators contained.

    If you do get involved it would definitely be a win-win for us, as they/we would get your expertise, plus we would then be able to get the scoop as things occur, ;-)

    I spoke to Steve this morning and he told me basically what he told you. They are going to have a brainstorming session after they remove the buildings and the bulk of Guillory Hall. They would then see the best way to incorporate the overlook into the master plan. He did say that they wanted to unitize the perimeter of the lake to eliminate the hog wire and chain link. He also said they had discussed the possibility of using the overlook as a stage. So it looks like it will stay and be modified. For that I am happy. I did make him an offer he couldn't refuse and he said he would keep that in mind.

    We also discussed the metal cladding on the Student union. That was a big bone of contention and it was decided that the metal was the best of the alternatives that were available. His concern (as is mine) was if it could be repaired if dented or damaged. (stucco was out because they have difficulty keeping it clean from mold and mildew on other buildings on campus, I agree)

    I did mention that the front of the Library looks like a jungle. You can't see the building for the trees. He said he noticed that too when he was on campus yesterday.

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