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Thread: UL System board approves tuition and fees

  1. #49

    Default Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    I don't think that this is expensive at's COLLEGE. I have tuition in the Lafayette area for two kids under the age of 5 and we pay roughly $7,000 a year per kid to eat crayons and sing songs....and this isn't even close to the most expensive daycare/school in the area.

  2. #50

    Default Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    Quote Originally Posted by scotto_25 View Post
    I don't think that this is expensive at's COLLEGE. I have tuition in the Lafayette area for two kids under the age of 5 and we pay roughly $7,000 a year per kid to eat crayons and sing songs....and this isn't even close to the most expensive daycare/school in the area.
    $7000? Newman's pre-school [Isador Newman, in New Orleans] is $16000/kid. That is high end, but still, I worry about folks who place so little value on a college degree that they think that paying what you pay for a new car to get a degree is too much.

  3. Default Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    All I'm saying is it's a huge increase in ten years. In ten years when my son is getting ready to start college should I expect to pay $16000 a year for tuition? Is it going to continue on this trend?

  4. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by carnold983 View Post
    I agree! I graduated in 2006 and my tuition was under $1500 a semester. The fact that tuition has more than doubled in under 10 years is crazy to me! My kids are young and a long ways away from college, but thinking about paying $8000 a year for college tuition is scary to me!
    And after 2008 UL has seen its funding cut by nearly 85%. You have to make up some of that money somehow. You either raise tuition or raise taxes.

  5. #53

    Default Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    Quote Originally Posted by carnold983 View Post
    All I'm saying is it's a huge increase in ten years. In ten years when my son is getting ready to start college should I expect to pay $16000 a year for tuition? Is it going to continue on this trend?
    There are those who think it won't. I am not one of them. Start saving now. Put $100/mo in a college fund for each kid. It will build up faster than you think. Talk to a good financial advisor.

  6. Default Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    There are those who think it won't. I am not one of them. Start saving now. Put $100/mo in a college fund for each kid. It will build up faster than you think. Talk to a good financial advisor.
    .....Jesuit is about $7-8k.....a lot of Alumni bucks.... Tulane I think is at about $45k and these private universities are becoming way out of line.....we need one more fee.....athletics!!!

  7. #55

    Default Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    There are those who think it won't. I am not one of them. Start saving now. Put $100/mo in a college fund for each kid. It will build up faster than you think. Talk to a good financial advisor.
    I don't think it can continue much longer under the current business model.

    Some degrees are worth several times more than other degrees when you enter the job market. This price difference needs to be reflected in the tuition you pay for that degree.

    Also, blindly lending money with no regard to ability to recoup your investment is causing the student debt bubble.

  8. #56

    Default Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I don't think it can continue much longer under the current business model.

    Some degrees are worth several times more than other degrees when you enter the job market. This price difference needs to be reflected in the tuition you pay for that degree.

    Also, blindly lending money with no regard to ability to recoup your investment is causing the student debt bubble.
    Wouldn't modeling TOPS to subsidize higher earning degrees to a larger rate steer prospective students, or maybe look at jobs shortages in the state and have TOPS pay a larger percentage for those degrees. Maybe it's a bad way to say it but degrees that give you a small chance of actually getting a job should be funded to a smaller degree. You could also look at some payback to the state by having TOPS recipients have to work a certain number of years in the state as well. Just throwing out thoughts.

  9. Default Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    Quote Originally Posted by carnold983 View Post
    All I'm saying is it's a huge increase in ten years. In ten years when my son is getting ready to start college should I expect to pay $16000 a year for tuition? Is it going to continue on this trend?
    IMO inflation is far worse than reported. Anything having to do with American Labor is out of sight. Your food, your housing, your plumber, your physician, your body shop technician, any skilled service, your restaurants all are up tremendously. We cannot import education from China, India, Mexico, and Africa it is damned expensive for a reason. Well I guess you will be importing it from those places in a few years. Virtual class rooms, virtual football teams, virtual hot coeds.

  10. #58

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I don't think it can continue much longer under the current business model.

    Some degrees are worth several times more than other degrees when you enter the job market. This price difference needs to be reflected in the tuition you pay for that degree.

    Also, blindly lending money with no regard to ability to recoup your investment is causing the student debt bubble.
    The object is to NOT borrow money. The answer is to start saving when a child is born. The problem is not that lending institutions [with government encouragement] make bad loans; the problem is that people accept them.

    Obviously, if your child ends up going to med school, there will likely be debt. But if you start when a child is born and conservatively invest even 10% of the current tuition at your local public university each year, escalating your investment as tuition rises, when your child reaches college age, you should not have to incur any significant debt to get them a degree.

    Encourage those who might give toys, etc. to your child [especially grandparents] to instead put their gift money in the child's college fund.

  11. #59

    Default Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    The object is to NOT borrow money. The answer is to start saving when a child is born. The problem is not that lending institutions [with government encouragement] make bad loans; the problem is that people accept them.

    Obviously, if your child ends up going to med school, there will likely be debt. But if you start when a child is born and conservatively invest even 10% of the current tuition at your local public university each year, escalating your investment as tuition rises, when your child reaches college age, you should not have to incur any significant debt to get them a degree.

    Encourage those who might give toys, etc. to your child [especially grandparents] to instead put their gift money in the child's college fund.

    Too many degrees are given that are simply not worth even a fraction of the cost.

    The answer is to get the government out of the process. Bring more free market pressure to bear. Costs will come down and different systems of education delivery will be introduced.

    Still a good idea to save money anyway.

  12. #60

    Default Re: UL System board approves tuition and fees

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    And after 2008 UL has seen its funding cut by nearly 85%. You have to make up some of that money somehow. You either raise tuition or raise taxes.
    Very well stated. The money needs to come from somewhere...

    Also, not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but there was a related article published in the DA today. It will be very interesting to see if there is any impact from the rise in tuition.....I am saying that there won't be, or at least we will still see a significant rise in enrollment this fall. Not to say that that # would not have been even higher without the increase in tuition.

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