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Thread: Job Search: Looking for a little help...

  1. #1

    Default Job Search: Looking for a little help...

    Turbine, I hope it is ok that I posted this here. Please remove if you object.

    I have recently fallen on hard times. Baker laid me off. It's tough out there. I have been looking constantly for over a month and the pickings are slim and none. I have friends and family on the lookout as well. Nothing as of yet. If anyone on here has any suggestions or possible opportunities, I would love to hear them.

    I love the Cajuns. I am currently a season ticket holder for baseball and football. RCAF member as well. I would love to keep it that way. Luckily for me, I renewed my football tickets before the bomb fell.

    I have a bachelor's in Industial Technology from UL.
    I am open to almost anything. Positions I have held...
    Coring Field Specialist (GoM and US Land)
    Production Coordinator/Scheduler
    Process Technician

    Please reply or send me a PM. THANKS RaginPagin!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Looking for a little help...

    Sorry to hear of your situation. I will reply if I hear of anything.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    Sorry to hear of your situation. I will reply if I hear of anything.
    Thanks. I have never been unemployed before. It's no fun!

  4. Default Re: Job Search: Looking for a little help...

    I hope you find a job soon.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Job Search: Looking for a little help...

    I can relate my friend I got laid off in Feb. I have has only had one interview in that time. I am guessing you are younger than I am so I would think you will find something soon.

  6. Default Re: Job Search: Looking for a little help...

    Just checked on Rigzone and found some stuff in the Lafayette area (assume that's where you want to be). Click here:

    Once there, I found 12 jobs in the area, and 6 look to be in your wheel house. You can navigate by choosing US as your country and in the top right, type in Lafayette and it'll narrow it down even more.

    If you do a Louisiana only search, there are 109 jobs with varied types and locations. Good luck with it, and if you need any more help, PM me. I have a very good recruiter here in Houston that works throughout the Gulf South.

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