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Thread: Icegators / Youth Hockey ..

  1. #1

    Default Icegators / Youth Hockey ..

    What is it going to take to get the Icegators involved with the youth programs in this area?
    I know some of the guys would be willing to help out on pratices or just make a apperance. Also these kids would love it and would go back to school and tell there friends about it which in turn would bring intreast back to the team and also the program. More kids playing hockey more kids and parents at Icegators games . These kids are future season ticket holders . Icegators get involved !!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Icegators / Youth Hockey ..

    1. all the free ice they need for leagues, practices, tournaments
    2. bought the travel teams jerseys
    3. offered camps with free equipment for new players with Icegators coaching
    4. free tickets to games for youth players
    5. stick and puck every week with John Jepson

  3. #3

    Default Re: Icegators / Youth Hockey ..

    Sounds like the IG organization is involved with the local youth. It may not be what the original poster wants but it seems they are involved. Exactly what is it that you want the IG's to do.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Icegators / Youth Hockey ..

    Sounds like Chicken should be more involved. lol.

  5. Default Re: Icegators / Youth Hockey ..

    I'm hungry now..

  6. #6

    Default Re: Icegators / Youth Hockey ..

    Quote Originally Posted by mportus View Post
    I'm hungry now..

  7. #7

    Default Re: Icegators / Youth Hockey ..

    ice, Ice Baby....
    It all about the Ice

    The Poor Inline Roller blade players.
    You know.... the guys who just about bought section R..
    They get left out again..
    Topshelf has had the number of Inline players drop off so bad, they did away with the Topshelf roller travel hockey teams.
    They cut the Inline season sessions from 3 a season to 2.
    they had to start up volleyball, indoor soccer and now basketball to increase revenue to keep the doors open on what used to be a HOCKEY facility..
    Maybe thats why they are begging for involvement?
    just typing out loud..

  8. Default Re: Icegators / Youth Hockey ..

    Quote Originally Posted by SheGator View Post
    HELLS YEAH!!! Biscuits and gravy!! Damnit I'm hungry again

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