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Thread: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

  1. #1

    Default University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    There was an article giving actual facts behind the name change. If anyone has this, can they repost so I can send it to some ignorant LSU fans???

  2. #2

    Default Re: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    Quote Originally Posted by veedreen View Post
    There was an article giving actual facts behind the name change. If anyone has this, can they repost so I can send it to some ignorant LSU fans???

    Hope this helps

  3. #3

    Default Re: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    Quote Originally Posted by veedreen View Post
    There was an article giving actual facts behind the name change. If anyone has this, can they repost so I can send it to some ignorant LSU fans???
    Dude, just drop it and you will be better off. When dealing with ignorance, facts won't help.

  4. #4

    Default Re: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    Dude, just drop it and you will be better off. When dealing with ignorance, facts won't help.
    Yea i spent an enjoyable (sarcasm) week last week debating over on the tiger drippings (purposely misspelled)... All they want to do is quote the "right" to the name.... They don't understand the concept of branding although that is exactly what they have done over the last 100 years with LSU when their LEGAL name is indeed LSU A&M ( i even copied and pasted a copy of their diploma with A&M prominently displayed).. It doesn't help.... they are idiots and nothing is going to change that.... What stood out during that exercise was how insecure they really are.. No one is allowed to achieve without them battling to one-up...

    So we continue the fight and not be dismayed by the nay-sayers... it is ours to win and we will

  5. #5

    Default Re: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    Check their official documents. It's LSUA&MCBR

  6. #6

    Default Re: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    Actually guys, be happy that they have fought this and we have stood our ground. The reason I say this is because they have developed a rivalry between our schools by there own doing. If they LSU A&M fans would have not cared, I think it would have been tougher to develop a rivalry.

    They have actually helped us by hating us.!! Hehe... If they only knew what they have done. They have awaken a sleeping giant

  7. #7

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    Quote Originally Posted by IHateLaState View Post
    Yea i spent an enjoyable (sarcasm) week last week debating over on the tiger drippings (purposely misspelled)... All they want to do is quote the "right" to the name.... They don't understand the concept of branding although that is exactly what they have done over the last 100 years with LSU when their LEGAL name is indeed LSU A&M ( i even copied and pasted a copy of their diploma with A&M prominently displayed).. It doesn't help.... they are idiots and nothing is going to change that.... What stood out during that exercise was how insecure they really are.. No one is allowed to achieve without them battling to one-up...

    So we continue the fight and not be dismayed by the nay-sayers... it is ours to win and we will
    Actually their official Name is: LSUA&MC@BR Louisiana State University Aggricultural & Mechanical College @ Baton Rouge!

    Ours is UL@L University of Louisiana @ Lafayette!

    BOTH are what our UNIVERSITIES are Named!

    Our Sports Programs are LSU and UL, or Fighting Tigers and Ragin' Cajuns, or Tigers and Cajuns, or LSU Tigers or Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns!

    All are VERY Legal and Used as Branding our sports programs has nothing to do with the NAME of the University on the Academic side!

  8. Default Re: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    Quote Originally Posted by IHateLaState View Post
    Yea i spent an enjoyable (sarcasm) week last week debating over on the tiger drippings (purposely misspelled)... All they want to do is quote the "right" to the name.... They don't understand the concept of branding although that is exactly what they have done over the last 100 years with LSU when their LEGAL name is indeed LSU A&M ( i even copied and pasted a copy of their diploma with A&M prominently displayed).. It doesn't help.... they are idiots and nothing is going to change that.... What stood out during that exercise was how insecure they really are.. No one is allowed to achieve without them battling to one-up...

    So we continue the fight and not be dismayed by the nay-sayers... it is ours to win and we will
    Uh, I think you meant "tigerploppings"

    Even though we lost this weekend, we won. My goodness!!! University of Louisiana gear for sale at Alex Box Stadium. That should be drilled at every little douche bag that cries about UL. If the big bad brother to the east let that happen in their own stadium, the rest of these idiots are just whizzing in the wind. Need to sticky that post/blog at top of page. We still have a way to go, but it appears LSU is over it.

  9. #9

    Default Re: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Even though we lost this weekend, we won. My goodness!!! University of Louisiana gear for sale at Alex Box Stadium. That should be drilled at every little douche bag that cries about UL. If the big bad brother to the east let that happen in their own stadium, the rest of these idiots are just whizzing in the wind. Need to sticky that post/blog at top of page. We still have a way to go, but it appears LSU is over it.
    That was actually NCAA merch. We had the same thing last year in OKC. Doing a good job letting the NCAA know what we want on our merchandise. Now they just need to understand what to call us athletically.

  10. #10

    Default Re: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    Quote Originally Posted by UL_BayouCajun View Post
    Actually guys, be happy that they have fought this and we have stood our ground. The reason I say this is because they have developed a rivalry between our schools by there own doing. If they LSU A&M fans would have not cared, I think it would have been tougher to develop a rivalry.

    They have actually helped us by hating us.!! Hehe... If they only knew what they have done. They have awaken a sleeping giant
    oh boy. the sleeping giant metaphor again

  11. #11

    Default Re: University of Louisiaana name change from USL

    i'm going with pearl harbor being a better usage.

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