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Thread: Kendall Rogers writeup

  1. #109

    Default Re: Kendall Rogers writeup

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    I ____ing hate e'rybody...
    Z, now there's a sentiment I can abide & endorse

  2. Default Re: Kendall Rogers writeup

    Quote Originally Posted by dms4720 View Post
    the all gray road unis are awesome.
    i want red because it has louisiana on the chest. so if we can go gray, then red, then coin toss for the monday and go red on gray or white bottoms, thats my pick
    Can't wait to see the lswho-secspn new technology with tiny at Lafayette graphics to put on every jersey,hat and helmet

  3. #111

    Default Re: Kendall Rogers writeup

    wtf is this thread even about now?

  4. #112

    Default Re: Kendall Rogers writeup

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    He knows we're passionate fans. Calling him out over the name... and even adding some saucy words to let him know how we feel, doesn't hurt a thing. I'm not going to be fired up like I get fired up over Cajun sports, but then cut someone some slack for disrespecting me. It isn't happening. And the people in sports media that don't appreciate passion for athletics spilling over into everything... are _______... and shouldn't be affiliated with sports.

  5. #113

    Default Re: Kendall Rogers writeup

    He can disagree with us without "having it out for us". And we can call him out on it, without that meaning we don't appreciate his coverage of us. When he reports great things about our program, he's just doing his job. Our program IS doing great things. I appreciate him doing his job well, but I don't appreciate it so much that what he does wrong can't be addressed.

  6. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    He can disagree with us without "having it out for us". And we can call him out on it, without that meaning we don't appreciate his coverage of us. When he reports great things about our program, he's just doing his job. Our program IS doing great things. I appreciate him doing his job well, but I don't appreciate it so much that what he does wrong can't be addressed.
    Would you agree there ways to "address" people? Especially in social media with a millions of people reading? I never said ignore... But calling him an askhole dckhead on his Twitter page probably won't get the results we want.

  7. #115

    Default Re: Kendall Rogers writeup

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunfan337 View Post
    wtf is this thread even about now?
    Apparently a bunch of whining because a writer who gives us excellent coverage isn't following the BRILLIANT branding marketing strategy that Martin Hall has executed without a single flub.

  8. #116

    Default Re: Kendall Rogers writeup

    So if the guy puts UL-L will that make everyone feel better? That is what our admin asked for us to be called. This whole argument is dumb. Why expect something from an outsider when insiders don't get it right?

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    In true definition of upstart if he is speaking only of this season he is correct. From 1 pitch away to being eliminated in conference to being in a super.
    First of all you cannot be an upstart in only one season unless you have only recently been in an endevor. The upstart is also described as arrogant with their new power.

    This was intended as an insult to his readers about Louisiana. It is almost as bad as the softball announcer calling us a "pesky" team against Auburn.

  10. #118

    Default Re: Kendall Rogers writeup

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Would you agree there ways to "address" people? Especially in social media with a millions of people reading? I never said ignore... But calling him an askhole dckhead on his Twitter page probably won't get the results we want.
    We are Cajuns. I don't know if you realize this...but...we are a stubborn people. Don't ever tell a Cajun they cannot do something. They will kill themselves trying to prove them wrong. It's our nature. It's ingrained in our DNA ever since we were  ed in this swamp. We showed them. Now people come to this swamp of their own free will. As tourists!!! We are a proud people. Proud of who we are, where we came from, and what we have become. If you think we are just going to roll over and give up on Louisiana, just to save a few journalists and visiting fans feelings? You are gonna be disappointed. Just as J1M said before...this is who we are...and that's why people love us so much. People love us as a fanbase, as a city, as a culture, because we are hard partying, hard living, hard loving, hard fighting Cajuns.

  11. #119

    Default Re: Kendall Rogers writeup

    A person from modest origin (3 seed in sunbelt 1 bid keague) who rises suddenly to power (2 wins from omaha). He probably did use it as a slight... Doesn't mean he used the word incorrectly.

  12. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    We are Cajuns. I don't know if you realize this...but...we are a stubborn people. Don't ever tell a Cajun they cannot do something. They will kill themselves trying to prove them wrong. It's our nature. It's ingrained in our DNA ever since we were  ed in this swamp. We showed them. Now people come to this swamp of their own free will. As tourists!!! We are a proud people. Proud of who we are, where we came from, and what we have become. If you think we are just going to roll over and give up on Louisiana, just to save a few journalists and visiting fans feelings? You are gonna be disappointed. Just as J1M said before...this is who we are...and that's why people love us so much. People love us as a fanbase, as a city, as a culture, because we are hard partying, hard living, hard loving, hard fighting Cajuns.
    Unless you are cajun with the name of savoie... Then you cower to yankees on your home field.

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