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Thread: Someone Jealous?

  1. #1

    Default Someone Jealous?

    The Gator Forum
    The Original Lafayette Hockey Message Board for 10 years ?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by chicken View Post
    The Gator Forum
    The Original Lafayette Hockey Message Board for 10 years ?

  3. #3
    Visitor Guest

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    Whats to be jealous about with this wanna be hockey board?

  4. #4
    Visita Guest

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by chicken View Post
    The Gator Forum
    The Original Lafayette Hockey Message Board for 10 years ?
    Domain Name..........
    Creation Date........ 2000-09-15

    10 years, yes.
    Original, no.

  5. #5
    Visitor Guest

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    Considering that he shuts it down everytime his panties get ruffled, who really gives a crap? I mean I really think this guy either has a small member or was picked on severly as a child. He throws profanities around on his board like he was allowed to say them so much as a child that it obviously makes him feel better or like he is proving a point.

    His knowledge of hockey is that of a fan that is attributing him watching the game whether it be at the game (although he claims no support for the gators anylonger...although he did bring his board big surprise.) I would for one love to see him strap on the skates and play the game himself, hell would love to see him get on the ice with the team and let each one put his butt right into the wall.

    What will set him off next Original Icegators board... I remember one before him so therefore he stands corrected. The value of his board is no more that the pics of crap that are on there and I believe in whole most are there just to either laugh at what is up there next.

    You want a really professional message board go check out saints check out the members out there. As far as I am concerned that board "the original NOT IG message board" is his own little playground that he runs and he better like you are you cant post on it.... OOOOHHHH what a fricken privilege...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    I have many issues. Please forgive me.

  7. #7
    Visitor Guest

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    I have many issues. Please forgive me.
    One of those issues is name calling. Met a fellow that wanted someone to point you out at the game tonight.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Visitor View Post
    Considering that he shuts it down everytime his panties get ruffled, who really gives a crap? I mean I really think this guy either has a small member or was picked on severly as a child. He throws profanities around on his board like he was allowed to say them so much as a child that it obviously makes him feel better or like he is proving a point.

    His knowledge of hockey is that of a fan that is attributing him watching the game whether it be at the game (although he claims no support for the gators anylonger...although he did bring his board big surprise.) I would for one love to see him strap on the skates and play the game himself, hell would love to see him get on the ice with the team and let each one put his butt right into the wall.

    What will set him off next Original Icegators board... I remember one before him so therefore he stands corrected. The value of his board is no more that the pics of crap that are on there and I believe in whole most are there just to either laugh at what is up there next.

    You want a really professional message board go check out saints check out the members out there. As far as I am concerned that board "the original NOT IG message board" is his own little playground that he runs and he better like you are you cant post on it.... OOOOHHHH what a fricken privilege...
    I really can't fathom what difference it should make to "Visitor" whether Song has put Gatorforum back up again and to get into a game of semantics as to whether there was another fan board before it or not...however I can state that during the first 10 years of IceGator hockey there was one board that hosted discussions and arguments and tirades and it was Song's Gatorforum.....why he took it down I have no clue and don't care...why he put it back up I don't know and don't care......I will post and look for information here and on only suggestion for this board would be that in order to post you have to take the time to register....why should I be a member?...register my info if "visitors" have the same privilege?

    my two cents

  9. #9

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    I agree, if you are allowed to "post" you should be a registered member.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    Ahhhhh, let the cowards hide behind their anonimity.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!...............LOL

    here's my 2 cents (Not that you care) I have been a member of Gator forum for years maybe even 10 of them. I have been a member of this forum back in the day then rejoined when i heard the gators were coming back. And to be honest, i had completely forgotten about this forum until the gator forum was shut down recently. my personal opinion is that i prefer the layout and design of the gator forum over this one. (Not that this one is bad, like the one on say Craigslist or some crap like that) Its just that i think the gator forum looks more organized, but with that being said, the shut down of gator forum was very off-putting to me and many others (Some who will not say so) It seemed very unprofessional and unappreciative. We visit his site as a compliment to him because we like what HE offers as a service, not due to him being the ONLY gator board. The same exact people could come HERE or any board and we could have the SAME discussions. But we dont, because we have chosen or prefer to frequent his board more often. I hear ppl talk about song like hes a fear monger or a spoiled picked on kid, I dont know him, and if ive ever met him in real life I didnt know it was song. I have been on that board for probably 10 years, I dont live there, im not part of the "Click", im just a semi regular who puts my nose in every so often. i have said some disruptive things on his board and even some things aimed at him, he has never edited them, banned me, contacted me, or anything of the sort, so i dont see that part of him. With that being said, it is my opinion that if he pulls the board down again for some petty ____, many of us "semi regulars" may look elsewhere for our message boards and the click will be left to dangle on songs whim. Maybe he realizes that and cares, maybe he doesnt realize it, or maybe he dont care.... only time will tell. Anyway, there is plenty of room on the WWW for all the forums.

    And PS: Being the first is second to being the best. My 98 year old grandma told me that
    so you better believe it!

    Dont hate me for the things i say........hate me because im beautiful.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Someone Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by GRIM View Post
    FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!...............LOL

    here's my 2 cents (Not that you care) I have been a member of Gator forum for years maybe even 10 of them. I have been a member of this forum back in the day then rejoined when i heard the gators were coming back. And to be honest, i had completely forgotten about this forum until the gator forum was shut down recently. my personal opinion is that i prefer the layout and design of the gator forum over this one. (Not that this one is bad, like the one on say Craigslist or some crap like that) Its just that i think the gator forum looks more organized, but with that being said, the shut down of gator forum was very off-putting to me and many others (Some who will not say so) It seemed very unprofessional and unappreciative. We visit his site as a compliment to him because we like what HE offers as a service, not due to him being the ONLY gator board. The same exact people could come HERE or any board and we could have the SAME discussions. But we dont, because we have chosen or prefer to frequent his board more often. I hear ppl talk about song like hes a fear monger or a spoiled picked on kid, I dont know him, and if ive ever met him in real life I didnt know it was song. I have been on that board for probably 10 years, I dont live there, im not part of the "Click", im just a semi regular who puts my nose in every so often. i have said some disruptive things on his board and even some things aimed at him, he has never edited them, banned me, contacted me, or anything of the sort, so i dont see that part of him. With that being said, it is my opinion that if he pulls the board down again for some petty ____, many of us "semi regulars" may look elsewhere for our message boards and the click will be left to dangle on songs whim. Maybe he realizes that and cares, maybe he doesnt realize it, or maybe he dont care.... only time will tell. Anyway, there is plenty of room on the WWW for all the forums.

    And PS: Being the first is second to being the best. My 98 year old grandma told me that
    so you better believe it!

    Dont hate me for the things i say........hate me because im beautiful.
    That is really strange that he never attacked you. Consider yourself lucky. You are welcome here anytime.

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