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Thread: IceGators vs Huntsville Havoc

  1. #13

    Default Re: game tonight

    Excellent way to cap off the year! Awesome comeback!

  2. Default Re: game tonight

    Such an awesome game!!! I have the sore throat to prove it!!!

    My family had a GREAT time tonight!!

    Way to go Gators!!!

  3. Default Re: Huntsville fans not to nice.

    Well, they can be as rude as they want....Tonight...WE HAD SCOREBOARD!!

  4. #16
    Visitor Guest

    Default Re: game tonight

    How about Boner? Two goals and two assists!

  5. #17

    Default Re: game tonight

    And what about Mike Omi playing with a broken toe!!!

    Way to go guys!!!


  6. Default Re: game tonight

    What happened to McBrien? I noticed he got hurt. It looked like he might have been speared but couldn't really tell. Anyone hear why he left the game?

  7. #19

    Default Re: game tonight

    Quote Originally Posted by mportus View Post
    What happened to McBrien? I noticed he got hurt. It looked like he might have been speared but couldn't really tell. Anyone hear why he left the game?

    I heard him tell someone that he hurt his knee.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Huntsville fans not to nice.

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    How many hockey franchises has this town been through? They seem to expect we will fold after year one.

    Glad we beat them!
    You really shouldn't lump ALL HAVOC FANS together in one generalized statement. SEVERAL of the IG own fans think it will be a "one and done" deal. When you are the ONLY team in the league that has no way for the opposing team's fans to keep up with the game when it's being played in your arena, you should expect a little smack talk about it. Also, some of us have pointed out to our other fans that Mr. Smith says the B2 capabilities should be installed by January 4th.

    By the way, nice win tonight.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Huntsville fans not to nice.

    Quote Originally Posted by janet View Post
    You really shouldn't lump ALL HAVOC FANS together in one generalized statement. SEVERAL of the IG own fans think it will be a "one and done" deal. When you are the ONLY team in the league that has no way for the opposing team's fans to keep up with the game when it's being played in your arena, you should expect a little smack talk about it. Also, some of us have pointed out to our other fans that Mr. Smith says the B2 capabilities should be installed by January 4th.

    By the way, nice win tonight.
    Lighten up. I just said they were not to nice. Until Mr. Smith pushes the panic button I'm not going to worry about attendance. If we were winning you could easily add 2,000 more people to our average. BTW Huntsville is exactly packing them in. You know glass houses...

  10. #22

    Default Re: game tonight

    Quote Originally Posted by dannysmith View Post
    THREE straight home wins!!
    I stand corrected! Us old folk can only remember back to the last game....... or a game 20 years ago. That stretch in between fades a lot sometimes. Thanks, Danny!

  11. #23
    Icedog23 Guest

    Default Re: IceGators vs Huntsville Havoc

    I have to say, that was by far the funnest hockey game I have been to in a long time. When the score was 5-2, the team seemed to deflate. Everyone had their shoulders slummping. Then, when we scored that 3rd goal, you could just feel the momentum changing at that point. I told my son, this feels like the old Icegators when Jay Murphy and that group were playing. Remember, when we could be down 5-2 with 4 minutes left to play in the game, but you just new that they would come back and win the game. The crowd began to get into it. When we scored the 4th goal, the crowd almost reminded me of the time when the PA system broke in the IceDome and that small crowd was so damn loud. Last night wasn't exactly like that, but I know the crowd last night pumped up the boys. You could just feel it. that was a great come back after being down by 3 goals.

    The current team appears to have some real talent. At least as good as the Havoc. They just seem to need to some consistant coaching. They don't look like they really know how to cycle the puck. And when someone is bringing the puck down, his teammate skates into the same path with no way to drop pass.

    That fool #7 Sicard for Hunstville looked like an idiot playing without shoulder pads. He looks like a used up hockey player on his last leg. PADS !!!! I don't need no stinking pads. Our Assistant coach and #7 were jawing at each other just before the game started. MacIsaac just stared forward and never said a word to Hamilton to shut up.

    For once we didn't get into such penalty trouble that it was game changing. I don't know how the Refs didn't see the 6 or 7 times that our skaters had their sticks held to a point that we were dragging Hunstville's players. And there were 2 Refs on the ice. I could see it from the highway.

    Well, current history tells me that this team has a long way to go to be successful, but it was a good win last night anyway. I had fun.

    Oh, and that comedian last night was good. That was intertainment. I could listen to one of those every game.

  12. #24
    Visitor Guest

    Default Re: IceGators vs Huntsville Havoc

    Agree with you Icedog, last nights game was the best that I have seen this team play yet. You are right about working on cycling the puck and passing for sure. These guys didn't go home in the third last night trailing by 3 either. Like you said they changed the momentum of the game, and that is something I had not seen this team do yet this season.

    I hope they don't carry over all the aggression with a bunch of fights and stupid penalties tonight. Play smart again tonight and stay out of the box.

    The comedian was a great add to the show last night and I think they need more of this. The intermissions could really use some work, it is usually a dull 18 minutes. Message to Danny: go to the thread with the ECHL documentary video and watch it. See where Tim Berryman talks about making the intermission so entertaining that people don't want to leave thier sets? This goes for the whole game night, you got to make it so the people have som much fun they can't wait to go back. No team at this level and in this market will make it on the game alone. But I will say that last night was an improvement for sure, and my kids really did enjoy skating after the game with the players out there with them. Thank you for that!


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