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Thread: BOP and caller accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

  1. #37

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ I think everyone is frustrated right now. I know people are calling for Robert to resign, and I understand where they are coming from. But I know this, even though our team is terrible, Robert Lee is not a quitter. So he will ride this thing down in flames all the way until his last day.
    That's really reassuring.

  2. #38

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    _ No. I was just wondering about that...otherwise Jay is an asset to the University of Louisiana. _
    Not to be picky but Jay is not an asset TO the university... rather an asset OF the University.... In bidness assets are MANAGED to maximize results... I believe thats the case with Jay

  3. #39

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ First caller of the show today questions why the Centenary write up includes a re-cap of the "kicked chair" incident. Jay promptly says that Josh has had an agenda since last year with the "closed practice story".

    Please allow me to add that I support the UNIVERSITY and whats BEST for its academic and athletic programs. I will also add that I believe that UL is way overdue concerning a member of the media to demand excellence and answers from the people in position to produce results. I believe Josh Parrot has done a commendable job in this area, and my personal opinion is that the "chair kick" AND "the closed practice" were both stories worth publishing. Apologists will be apologists; something that has infected this University for decades and continues to stunt the growth of Athletic success (a long with several other things). _

    The kicked chair and closed practices are things that occur at many other schools and are possibly not worthy of the attention they received from the media since the kicked chair was in direct response to Parrot's questioning after an emotional loss and the closed practice affected Josh's ability to get stories in but was probably done to help his team focus after poor play. I don't have a problem with either one of the incidents and I also commend Josh for his work in his brief time here.

  4. #40

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by Double Oh View Post
    _ He trys to be a reporter. _
    No he doesn't. Jay's responsibilities lie much deeper than "reporting" the facts. He has to have a certain relationship with the various coaches that he has to deal with to get his job done. It's easy for many of you to sit here and bash him because he "doesn't call anyone out" but he wouldn't have a job for long if he alienated himself, and consequently his employer, with every coach he has to deal with.

  5. #41

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ Let me qualify a few things. First, I really, really like Josh and think he does an incredible job. And I am not trying to slight him in defense of Jay.

    Jay has ZERO OBLIGATION to be objective. His job is to have his opinion and for you to call in and debate it. Will he sometimes break stories yes, but that is not his job. He is a voice of the Cajuns!!!! Of course he will be subjective in favor of the Cajuns. If you were given a forum every afternoon to rant and rave about your place of work, you would probably sensor what you said as well to some degree, because they are the ones feeding your family.

    Jay can actually say whatever he wants to say. Do you guys get mad at Foote when he is not objective about the Saints???? The point is, Jay can have whatever opinion he wants to have about Josh. I know that Josh is a big boy and he can handle criticism. Jay has a sports call in show that is powered by opinion. He's had it for awhile, and its not going anywhere anytime soon.

    So if you are looking for objectivity, read the newspaper. If you want opinions listen to Jay's show. It happens on sports radio all over the country. Get over it. You are more than welcome to disagree. _

    I get mad at Foote because his show is 100% centered on Saints and he continuouslywines like a baby no matter how good or bad they are doing. However, Foot's subjective criticisms have NOTHING to do with this argument as his opinions in no way affect his job or his employers relationship with the Saints. If he wants to say what he does on his show, he is not offending Sean Payton and putting any working relationship he has with Peyton at risk by doing so. Jay would be doing that if he were to outwardly blast the coaches that he has to work closely with. Jay never said anything publicly bad about Baldwin either because he still had his normal duties and responsibilities to work with Baldwin and would have put his ability to do his job at risk had he done so.

  6. #42

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    _ I get mad at Foote because his show is 100% centered on Saints and he continuouslywines like a baby no matter how good or bad they are doing. However, Foot's subjective criticisms have NOTHING to do with this argument as his opinions in no way affect his job or his employers relationship with the Saints. If he wants to say what he does on his show, he is not offending Sean Payton and putting any working relationship he has with Peyton at risk by doing so. Jay would be doing that if he were to outwardly blast the coaches that he has to work closely with. Jay never said anything publicly bad about Baldwin either because he still had his normal duties and responsibilities to work with Baldwin and would have put his ability to do his job at risk had he done so. _
    This has always been the inherent difficulty/conflict of interest with having Jay and Stevie P being both the primary local sports show personalities and being the voice/radio announcers of the Cajuns. They are not in a position-as talk show hosts-to be critical, even if it is warranted, because of their positions on Cajun radio and coaches shows. Just as if Jim Hawthorne had a sports talk show in BR, I would not expect him to be critical because of his other position.

  7. Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    _ I get mad at Foote because his show is 100% centered on Saints and he continuouslywines like a baby no matter how good or bad they are doing. However, Foot's subjective criticisms have NOTHING to do with this argument as his opinions in no way affect his job or his employers relationship with the Saints. If he wants to say what he does on his show, he is not offending Sean Payton and putting any working relationship he has with Peyton at risk by doing so. Jay would be doing that if he were to outwardly blast the coaches that he has to work closely with. Jay never said anything publicly bad about Baldwin either because he still had his normal duties and responsibilities to work with Baldwin and would have put his ability to do his job at risk had he done so. _
    Regardless of all this, he has no business accusing the best REAL journalist we've ever had here of having "an agenda". It's ok for him to call out Josh Parrot, but he can't ask Lee even a semi-difficult and pertinent question after 5 years of running the BB program into near disrepair?! Constantly giving him a pass on missing interviews?! Always painting the fan as ignorant when it comes to the coaching situations around the University?! If it's ok to heap accusations on a guy thats actually DOING his job, then what the hell should he be expected to say to a guy thats NOT?!

  8. #44

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ Regardless of all this, he has no business accusing the best REAL journalist we've ever had here of having "an agenda". It's ok for him to call out Josh Parrot, but he can't ask Lee even a semi-difficult and pertinent question after 5 years of running the BB program into near disrepair?! Constantly giving him a pass on missing interviews?! Always painting the fan as ignorant when it comes to the coaching situations around the University?! If it's ok to heap accusations on a guy thats actually DOING his job, then what the hell should he be expected to say to a guy thats NOT?! _
    I agree 100%. I understand the dilema Jay is in, and I really don't fault him for that. However, the main problem I have with him is that he is such an A hole to the callers on his show who express a different opinion than his.

  9. #45

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ Regardless of all this, he has no business accusing the best REAL journalist we've ever had here of having "an agenda". It's ok for him to call out Josh Parrot, but he can't ask Lee even a semi-difficult and pertinent question after 5 years of running the BB program into near disrepair?! Constantly giving him a pass on missing interviews?! Always painting the fan as ignorant when it comes to the coaching situations around the University?! If it's ok to heap accusations on a guy thats actually DOING his job, then what the hell should he be expected to say to a guy thats NOT?! _

    Look, I completely understand the criticisms that Jay does receive, especially on his radio show. I know Jay outside of his show and I know him to be a completely different person. I also get agitated at his responses to many callers who don't necessarily deserve the reaction they sometimes get. I have no idea as to what was said and how it was said on his show as I didn't listen. I see your point and I certainly won't argue it as it seems to have a solid foundation. What I will say is that I do believe that Josh made a big deal over nothing with the kicked chair and closed practice points. Those are all too common in the world of college sports and I have NO problem with coach Lee wanting to provide an environment for his team to practice with less disruptions or showing a little emotion after a bad loss. We'd be blasting him if he showed no emotion and claiming that he has quit on this team and university. I think that Josh made a big deal over those issues because they were in direct response to either a poorly timed question or his frustrations that he couldn't get access to do stories and satisfy a deadline. Again, I see both sides and agree that Josh has been a welcomed and refreshing change to supply the cajun fans with coverage that we've missed for years. I just think there are two sides to every story.

  10. #46

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    I listen to Jay sometimes. His show is no different than alot of other sports talk shows. If you don't think hosts berate people that have a different opinion than them, then you are listening to too much Stevie P. Stevie looks for the bright side of everything.

    Just because you don't share his opinion, doesn't mean he can't be a jerk to a caller who has a different opinion. I've heard sports talk guys basically call people idiots on shows for having different opions. The thing that irks me about Jay, more than him disagreeing with opposing opinions is the fact that some issues cannot even be talked about. But, it is his show, he gets ratings, and he can do whatever he wants. The biggest problem is there is no alternative.

    Finally, the chair kicking incident is one thing, whever a coach blows up at a press conerence it is always on the news and should be reported. Closing practices happens all over the country. I know coaches who do not open 1 practice year round, all year. That IMO is completely a non story and was just Coach trying to do the best thing for his program, in his own mind.

  11. Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    _ Look, I completely understand the criticisms that Jay does receive, especially on his radio show. I know Jay outside of his show and I know him to be a completely different person. I also get agitated at his responses to many callers who don't necessarily deserve the reaction they sometimes get. I have no idea as to what was said and how it was said on his show as I didn't listen. I see your point and I certainly won't argue it as it seems to have a solid foundation. What I will say is that I do believe that Josh made a big deal over nothing with the kicked chair and closed practice points. Those are all too common in the world of college sports and I have NO problem with coach Lee wanting to provide an environment for his team to practice with less disruptions or showing a little emotion after a bad loss. We'd be blasting him if he showed no emotion and claiming that he has quit on this team and university. I think that Josh made a big deal over those issues because they were in direct response to either a poorly timed question or his frustrations that he couldn't get access to do stories and satisfy a deadline. Again, I see both sides and agree that Josh has been a welcomed and refreshing change to supply the cajun fans with coverage that we've missed for years. I just think there are two sides to every story. _
    There are two sides to every story. But Parrot didn't get on the radio and try to compromise the integrity of Jay's profession. I listen to the show pretty much daily. I don't necessary like Jay, nor do I dislike the guy. I appreciate what he does for the University; but in a time a major unstability, and a push for the future, Josh Parrot is an asset. Hell, any good reporter that puts pressure on a hapless Administration is. So for his methods to be thrown under the bus in that fasion, where Jay knows many die hards listen in to get info (because it is one of only few provided to do so), he should have used descretion (you know, the descretion he uses for the coaches he 'works closely with') and kept his mouth shut.

    The closed practice ordeal is debatable, I agree. But by no means did he make an outlandesh attempt to paint Lee in a bad light. Furthermore, the kicked chair WAS an issue. For a coach that preaches integrity, honesty, doing it the right way, yatta yatta yatta to act like that was news. Period. If you listen to the Presser, JP, again, did not go out of his way to ask the question; on the contrary, the question was segwayed by a previous question. The guy is employeed to bring news to the fans - The Coach is employeed to bring results to the fans, and OBLIGATED to the Press. Lee was out of line, Josh reported it, Jay interjected unnecessary comments; and he did it on a platform in which he knew he would be heard. Come to think about it, isn't that what he's accusing Parrot of?

  12. #48

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ There are two sides to every story. But Parrot didn't get on the radio and try to compromise the integrity of Jay's profession. I listen to the show pretty much daily. I don't necessary like Jay, nor do I dislike the guy. I appreciate what he does for the University; but in a time a major unstability, and a push for the future, Josh Parrot is an asset. Hell, any good reporter that puts pressure on a hapless Administration is. So for his methods to be thrown under the bus in that fasion, where Jay knows many die hards listen in to get info (because it is one of only few provided to do so), he should have used descretion (you know, the descretion he uses for the coaches he 'works closely with') and kept his mouth shut.

    The closed practice ordeal is debatable, I agree. But by no means did he make an outlandesh attempt to paint Lee in a bad light. Furthermore, the kicked chair WAS an issue. For a coach that preaches integrity, honesty, doing it the right way, yatta yatta yatta to act like that was news. Period. If you listen to the Presser, JP, again, did not go out of his way to ask the question; on the contrary, the question was segwayed by a previous question. The guy is employeed to bring news to the fans - The Coach is employeed to bring results to the fans, and OBLIGATED to the Press. Lee was out of line, Josh reported it, Jay interjected unnecessary comments; and he did it on a platform in which he knew he would be heard. Come to think about it, isn't that what he's accusing Parrot of? _

    Yall let me know what jay says on his show today. Someone ask him if he likes get in the middle of other peoples agenda? That should be interesting.

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