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Thread: BOP and caller accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

  1. #25

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    I took my family to the game tonight. We made up 5 of the 1,500 in attendance. It was the poorest game I've seen in a while... played by a badly coached team.

    We made only 2 of 18 3-pointers, but continued to jack them up. Assists? (Usually an indicater of team play and effective coaching) Our leading assists guy had "2". That is downright bad.

    In the post game show, Jay threw out a softball question that was beneath a person with his experience. He didn't need to get ugly, but at least could have gotten to the point -- they looked bad, were undermotivated, and played as though they had no gameplan.

    Josh... please continue to do your job by asking tough questions of a coach that is not getting the job done.

  2. #26


    Now that I'm in Houston, I fully realize how bad sports radio is in both BR and Laf. It's one thing to be a "homer" but Jay brings it to the next level.

  3. #27

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    I don't really care who's wrong or right. But the bottom line is that a lot of people listen to Jay's show. It's his show and he can do pretty much as he wants from 3-6. Sometimes I find his show absolutely terrible. Josh works for a paper. He's paid to report. He reported. You think if Rick Petino throws a chair and walks out of a press conference that's not going to lead Sportscenter? That's what reporters do, they take what happens and paints the picture for those who aren't there. I'm glad that Josh reported it. I'm glad he reports the stupid rules the athletic dept. has around the players and coaches. I mean really, these guys have no media holding them accountable for a loss. It makes a athletic dept. and coaching staff alot more comfortable when there's nobody breathing down their necks. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense but I just got back from a basketball game where UL lost to CENTENARY! WHAT is going on here.

  4. #28

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by ULtimateCajun View Post
    _ I don't really care who's wrong or right. But the bottom line is that a lot of people listen to Jay's show. It's his show and he can do pretty much as he wants from 3-6. Sometimes I find his show absolutely terrible. Josh works for a paper. He's paid to report. He reported. You think if Rick Petino throws a chair and walks out of a press conference that's not going to lead Sportscenter? That's what reporters do, they take what happens and paints the picture for those who aren't there. I'm glad that Josh reported it. I'm glad he reports the stupid rules the athletic dept. has around the players and coaches. I mean really, these guys have no media holding them accountable for a loss. It makes a athletic dept. and coaching staff alot more comfortable when there's nobody breathing down their necks. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense but I just got back from a basketball game where UL lost to CENTENARY! WHAT is going on here. _

    You listen to jays show? Not me, havent in years. Got tired of the smart azz comments.

    Wish they would bring Rome back.

  5. #29

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by Double Oh View Post
    _ You listen to jays show? Not me, havent in years. Got tired of the smart azz comments.

    Wish they would bring Rome back. _
    Wish they would bring Don Allen back! How about Ron Gomez???

  6. #30

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Jay... please read Josh's report of last night's game... then let all of us know, and of course Josh, if you approve.

    We're waiting.

    PS Your questions to Coach Lee following the game were stupid.

  7. #31

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Let me qualify a few things. First, I really, really like Josh and think he does an incredible job. And I am not trying to slight him in defense of Jay.

    Jay has ZERO OBLIGATION to be objective. His job is to have his opinion and for you to call in and debate it. Will he sometimes break stories yes, but that is not his job. He is a voice of the Cajuns!!!! Of course he will be subjective in favor of the Cajuns. If you were given a forum every afternoon to rant and rave about your place of work, you would probably sensor what you said as well to some degree, because they are the ones feeding your family.

    Jay can actually say whatever he wants to say. Do you guys get mad at Foote when he is not objective about the Saints???? The point is, Jay can have whatever opinion he wants to have about Josh. I know that Josh is a big boy and he can handle criticism. Jay has a sports call in show that is powered by opinion. He's had it for awhile, and its not going anywhere anytime soon.

    So if you are looking for objectivity, read the newspaper. If you want opinions listen to Jay's show. It happens on sports radio all over the country. Get over it. You are more than welcome to disagree.

  8. #32

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ Let me qualify a few things. First, I really, really like Josh and think he does an incredible job. And I am not trying to slight him in defense of Jay.

    Jay has ZERO OBLIGATION to be objective. His job is to have his opinion and for you to call in and debate it. Will he sometimes break stories yes, but that is not his job. He is a voice of the Cajuns!!!! Of course he will be subjective in favor of the Cajuns. If you were given a forum every afternoon to rant and rave about your place of work, you would probably sensor what you said as well to some degree, because they are the ones feeding your family.

    Jay can actually say whatever he wants to say. Do you guys get mad at Foote when he is not objective about the Saints???? The point is, Jay can have whatever opinion he wants to have about Josh. I know that Josh is a big boy and he can handle criticism. Jay has a sports call in show that is powered by opinion. He's had it for awhile, and its not going anywhere anytime soon.

    So if you are looking for objectivity, read the newspaper. If you want opinions listen to Jay's show. It happens on sports radio all over the country. Get over it. You are more than welcome to disagree. _
    Jay is also the play-by-play guy... and in that capacity handles post game interviews and the Robert Lee TV Show. You would think by now he would be professional enough to begin to question what has happened to this team and where Coach Lee has taken the program. That has NOTHING to do with his radio show.

    And if what you say is true, then Jay should SHUT UP when someone else is trying to do their jobs, which is to cover the Cajuns... good or bad.

  9. #33

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Everyone has an "agenda", it's simply a matter of whether or not it clouds their decisions and perception...

    If his agenda is similar to mine and involves the pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement at UL rather than drive by shootings directed at people that are doing the right things; in an effort to fabricate a crisis or get a rise out of them, then I applaud his "agenda"...

    I think the road to success is usually built by those who have "agendas"...

  10. #34

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post
    _ Jay is also the play-by-play guy... and in that capacity handles post game interviews and the Robert Lee TV Show. You would think by now he would be professional enough to begin to question what has happened to this team and where Coach Lee has taken the program. That has NOTHING to do with his radio show.

    And if what you say is true, then Jay should SHUT UP when someone else is trying to do their jobs, which is to cover the Cajuns... good or bad. _
    So Jay should just shut up, and let Robert Lee do his job, good or bad. It's an opinion. If I have a forum that is opinion based, I can say someone else has an agenda. Rush does it to the liberal media all the time. Olberman does it to the Republican media all the time. If you don't like Jay's opinion, don't listen.

    Josh is a big boy. He is doing his job. He can handle his business. He knows what he has to do.

    Although I do agree with you that tougher questions should be asked at the post game interviews...

  11. #35

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ So Jay should just shut up, and let Robert Lee do his job, good or bad. It's an opinion. If I have a forum that is opinion based, I can say someone else has an agenda. Rush does it to the liberal media all the time. Olberman does it to the Republican media all the time. If you don't like Jay's opinion, don't listen.

    Josh is a big boy. He is doing his job. He can handle his business. He knows what he has to do.

    Although I do agree with you that tougher questions should be asked at the post game interviews... _
    Didn't mean to direct at you, Slap. I'm ticked about our BB program right now... and ticked at Jay's methods. He uses his show to attack Parrot for doing his job, then does poorly at his own in the areas that I mentioned.

    If Jay can attack Josh on how he is doing his job, then we should be able to point out how poor a job Jay is doing in his interviews with Coach Lee.

  12. #36

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post
    _ Didn't mean to direct at you, Slap. I'm ticked about our BB program right now... and ticked at Jay's methods. He uses his show to attack Parrot for doing his job, then does poorly at his own in the areas that I mentioned.

    If Jay can attack Josh on how he is doing his job, then we should be able to point out how poor a job Jay is doing in his interviews with Coach Lee. _
    Without a doubt. I agree with you completely, and I would never try to stop you from expressing your opinion. You are free to attack Jay any way you feel....

    And I know you weren't coming after me. I think everyone is frustrated right now. I know people are calling for Robert to resign, and I understand where they are coming from. But I know this, even though our team is terrible, Robert Lee is not a quitter. So he will ride this thing down in flames all the way until his last day.

    I really look at him at the bench and am angry for the way the team is playing, and I am angry at him. But, sometimes, I'm just sad for him. You can tell in his expression how painful this is for him.

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