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Thread: BOP and caller accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

  1. Default BOP and caller accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    First caller of the show today questions why the Centenary write up includes a re-cap of the "kicked chair" incident. Jay promptly says that Josh has had an agenda since last year with the "closed practice story".

    Please allow me to add that I support the UNIVERSITY and whats BEST for its academic and athletic programs. I will also add that I believe that UL is way overdue concerning a member of the media to demand excellence and answers from the people in position to produce results. I believe Josh Parrot has done a commendable job in this area, and my personal opinion is that the "chair kick" AND "the closed practice" were both stories worth publishing. Apologists will be apologists; something that has infected this University for decades and continues to stunt the growth of Athletic success (a long with several other things).

  2. #2

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Why doesn't Jay "have an agenda" with a coach skipping his post-game interviews? Just sayin

  3. #3

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    I didn't hear the show, but it doesn't surpise me. Jay needs to be shown the door along with David Walker and the other idiots that remain at UL. Jay is as much a part of the problem as were Nelson Schexnayder and Ray Ray.


    I think you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

  4. #4

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    I have never seen a local reporter more focused on just reporting than Josh. If a coach clams up giving you nothing to report then you report the coach gave you nothing to report.

  5. #5

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ First caller of the show today questions why the Centenary write up includes a re-cap of the "kicked chair" incident. Jay promptly says that Josh has had an agenda since last year with the "closed practice story".

    Please allow me to add that I support the UNIVERSITY and whats BEST for its academic and athletic programs. I will also add that I believe that UL is way overdue concerning a member of the media to demand excellence and answers from the people in position to produce results. I believe Josh Parrot has done a commendable job in this area, and my personal opinion is that the "chair kick" AND "the closed practice" were both stories worth publishing. Apologists will be apologists; something that has infected this University for decades and continues to stunt the growth of Athletic success (a long with several other things). _
    Jay Walker is nothing but an apologist for the perennially underwhelming athletic department. His favorite meme is to counter criticism by suggesting the caller doesn't know the facts, but then fails to reveal these behind-the-scenes details that he is apparently privy to.

  6. #6
    CajunZ1's Avatar CajunZ1 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    This should get interesting.

  7. #7

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    I like Jay, but I am starting to believe that he is the one with the agenda.
    Jay Walker continues to give excuses for the admin and these horrible coaches.
    I do not understand why?
    Jay has got to start call them out, ask tough questions, and report the facts. We need honest reporting and questions just like Josh has done.
    Congrats Josh on a job well done.
    Josh is just reporting the facts. The facts are its time for a change. Robert Lee must go.

  8. #8

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by Kernel View Post
    _ Jay Walker is nothing but an apologist for the perennially underwhelming athletic department. His favorite meme is to counter criticism by suggesting the caller doesn't know the facts, but then fails to reveal these behind-the-scenes details that he is apparently privy to. _

    Thank you. You are 1000000000% correct.

    Remember Jay said he didnt want to get in the middle of this yet tells this whole baord that Lee called Josh 4 times.

  9. #9
    CajunZ1's Avatar CajunZ1 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Jay is not a reporter. He has a for-entertainment radio show and calls UL games. To expect him to be a facts-only impartial reporter would be unfair.

  10. #10

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunZ1 View Post
    _ Jay is not a reporter. He has a for-entertainment radio show and calls UL games. To expect him to be a facts-only impartial reporter would be unfair. _

    He trys to be a reporter.

  11. #11

    Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    Anyone who listens to Jay's show knows he is not objective about much... including what kind of job others in the media are doing... and what kind of job Coach Lee is doing.

    As much as I like Coach Lee and can sympathize with the pressure he is feeling knowing that he has failed as a D1 coach, he was wrong on both counts... closing practices and walking out on a press conference. The question was a fair one and he should have been mature enough to field it and answer it properly. Throwing the chair just made matters worse.

    Josh... thanks for covering UL sports to the degree you do. I have followed UL athletics for over 40 years and can say we have NEVER had anyone provide the coverage and information you have given us.

  12. Default Re: BOP and Caller Blast Parrot, accuse beat writer of "having an agenda"

    In radio what Josh did would be called a segway (sp) a smooth transition from the last topic to the current topic the last known event to the current event. It's just that in print media time lapses between events and it makes it appear as a rehash when it isn't really.

    I think he summed it up in his first sentence "For the first time since..."

    Geaux Cajuns

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