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Thread: Review of The Tigue

  1. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by pwdonaldson View Post
    I didn't notice the second entrance. Is this open to all fans or only the cooking club? The information I received about the cooking club is that is exclusive to a select few, which is why I didn't include it in the concessions review. However, this is a good point to add in to either the atmosphere or fans section. I'll work on that. Anyone have a good link or quick description of the cooking club and its origins?
    Some background and details here. Also, the 2nd entrance is not just for Cajun cooking club members - anyone with a ticket can enter but there is no place there for a visitor to buy a ticket so you would either have purchase ahead of time or walk around after buying it

  2. #26

    Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by pwdonaldson View Post
    I didn't notice the second entrance. Is this open to all fans or only the cooking club? The information I received about the cooking club is that is exclusive to a select few, which is why I didn't include it in the concessions review. However, this is a good point to add in to either the atmosphere or fans section. I'll work on that. Anyone have a good link or quick description of the cooking club and its origins?
    This is a little more background on the Cajun Cooking Club. The Cajun Cooking Club cooks for the Cajun team for all home games, and extends the meal invite for visiting teams for all night games as it's difficult to feed a group of 30-40 folks at 10pm or later. No, it's not a fan benefit, but it is another reason the atmosphere at the "Tigue" applies to more than just the fan experience.

    Here's an article from a few years back that give you some additional info about the "Tigue".

  3. #27

    Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Found it:

    Rebel02 had posted this, back on 02/24. It sounded legit to me, so I am very glad to hear that we do have the $$$$ needed:

    "Tony spoke about the progress on the Tigue renovation at Diamond Club meeting on 2/10. He said that they have some pledges to the project, but would not specify an amount. He said they are looking between $10M-$15M for what they want. He has been given word that if he is able to raise 50% of the cost, then they can begin proceeding with hiring architects, etc for construction. As of now, they have not met the 50% mark."

  4. Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Had more time to read.

    Nice job P.W.D.


  5. #29

    Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Great review PWD! Much appreciated!

  6. #30

    Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Very nice read. Thanks.

  7. Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Added in updates: second entrance down the first baseline, included a note in the "extras" section about the cooking club, and a quick note in the atmosphere section about potential stadium upgrades.

    If anyone is interested in following along, I'm planning to review each DI baseball stadium in Louisiana by the end of May. You can keep track here:

  8. #32

    Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Request for Proposal (rfp) have been sent to design firms so there is progress and their is money pledged. At this stage we will need to align the RFP's with the money and that will determine when this thing can get some traction.

  9. #33

    Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    Request for Proposal (rfp) have been sent to design firms so there is progress and their is money pledged. At this stage we will need to align the RFP's with the money and that will determine when this thing can get some traction.
    Just a clarification on the money, I was at that meeting as well. There is a difference between pledges or commitments and actual funds on hand. I know a couple of people said the money has been raised, but those are indeed pledges and not actual funds on hand at this time.

  10. #34

    Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Just a clarification on the money, I was at that meeting as well. There is a difference between pledges or commitments and actual funds on hand. I know a couple of people said the money has been raised, but those are indeed pledges and not actual funds on hand at this time.
    No argument with that. Some money is in hand but I still think we have a ways to go. I've heard figures from 9 mil to 15 mil with 10 mil being the target. I believe that is why we have sent out the RFP's. We are close enough that we need to get a hard number to go back to potential investors with.

  11. #35

    Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    No argument with that. Some money is in hand but I still think we have a ways to go. I've heard figures from 9 mil to 15 mil with 10 mil being the target. I believe that is why we have sent out the RFP's. We are close enough that we need to get a hard number to go back to potential investors with.
    Thanks for the info.
    Also, since the plans call for suites, won't they help with revenue? I was always told that they were revenue positive.

  12. #36

    Default Re: Review of The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    Thanks for the info.
    Also, since the plans call for suites, won't they help with revenue? I was always told that they were revenue positive.
    Yes but I have no idea how much the suites contribute to the funding. We are closer than we have been but still have a ways to go. Just my opinion but I doubt we are in a position to break ground this year. Hope I'm wrong and I'm not complaining because my pockets aren't deep enough to make a difference.

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