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Thread: Powell's return keys Cajuns

  1. #13

    Default Re: Powell's return keys Cajuns

    If you are referring to my comments, I said I hope we can take one of the next two and would be ecstatic with 2 wins. We won both, and was ecstatic. Did I say something wrong? Without knowledge of Trosclair returning to the field, I had very little confidence in the defense I had been watching. It was a reoccurring theme of errors. Was there any reason to believe we would win 2? I didn't see any one else say we were "done" after Friday, so I assume you were referring to my comments. Please enlighten us

  2. Default Re: Powell's return keys Cajuns

    Was not directed at you Camp

  3. Default Re: Powell's return keys Cajuns

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02 View Post
    Uhhhh, your buddy Bucky didn't make the DA into some great UL coverage paper. His predecessor had a lot to do with that. Bucky is having trouble just trying to keep up with the coverage that Josh provided.
    -=--I suggest you look at the format and the game day issues along with the articles content!!! Show me where it was better!!!

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