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Thread: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

  1. #1

    Default Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    All Gatorforum members and fans of other teams are welcome here. One thing however I will not tolerate is vulgar language. Other than that enjoy, be nice and let's hope the IceGators get this thing turned around.

  2. #2
    goalierat Guest

    Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    I like the fact there are still places to talk about our team... Good job here. hope to see you on my board as well

    geaux gators


  3. Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    Thanks for the welcome, sooooo glad to be here..............

  4. #4

    Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    glad we found this forum.... the other forum the moderator would thrown hissy fits and threaten to kick people out all the time,

  5. #5

    Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    Quote Originally Posted by hd4279 View Post
    glad we found this forum.... the other forum the moderator would thrown hissy fits and threaten to kick people out all the time,

  6. #6

    Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    No fan who starts or owns a site like this has a responsibility to do so. Lets just be happy to have alternative sites to post and follow the team on. Thanks to the owner of this site for giving us the opportunity to follow and discuss the Gators.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    Quote Originally Posted by Honored View Post
    Get a life. Is that all you do? Sit behind your computer gossiping about Brandon? Keep that stuff over on Song's board where it belongs.
    What "Song's board"? He is in the middle of a tantrum and has shut it down for the time being. When he realizes that he is hurting nobody, and gets over his "hissy fit", he will bring it back up. This ain't the first time for these antics.

  8. #8
    Honored Guest

    Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    Quote Originally Posted by NuTTz View Post
    What "Song's board"? He is in the middle of a tantrum and has shut it down for the time being. When he realizes that he is hurting nobody, and gets over his "hissy fit", he will bring it back up. This ain't the first time for these antics.
    And by the time he gets done with his little fit everyone will be comfortably here and won't even bother going to his hate site. I could care less if he ever brings that site up. i find it hilarious he found his way over here already.

  9. Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    Quote Originally Posted by Honored View Post
    And by the time he gets done with his little fit everyone will be comfortably here and won't even bother going to his hate site. I could care less if he ever brings that site up. i find it hilarious he found his way over here already.
    I disagree! The Gatorforum has been around for a very long time and I'm sure if Song decides to get it going again, those who have posted there for years will return. As for calling him a nut job, there is really no need to start labeling him as such...Something got him upset or angry and he reacted.....everyone has done that before....he is certainly not the first!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    Let's stay positive. Song did work very hard for the IceGators and did his best to promote the team. He also has mad computer skills which he used to promote IceGator hockey. To be honest I never liked the Gatorforum board. I could not handle the vulgar language and vicious personal attacks that seemed to be some sort of inside joke I didn't understand. I was banned on his board for reasons I do not know. I hold no ill will towards him. Song was very cool in linking his old board to this one and he is welcomed to post away on here anytime he wants.

    Let's look at this as a fresh start and let the past be just that. We all want the same thing. We want a good IceGator team and we want hockey to stay in South Louisiana forever. Let's unite in this goal and forget about the things that divide us.

  11. Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    Quote Originally Posted by Honored View Post
    And by the time he gets done with his little fit everyone will be comfortably here and won't even bother going to his hate site. I could care less if he ever brings that site up. i find it hilarious he found his way over here already.
    I will be the first one back to Songs board....Freedom of speech is the only ruler on his forum. I am grateful we have this board to discuss the team that we are all passionate about, love or hate. I will not be sticking around here if we are all obligated to only have an eternal "love fest". I will praise the team when we win and complain when we lose. That is the nature of the game and is every God given sport fan's right!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Welcome all Gatorforum members!

    Quote Originally Posted by sambo722rt View Post
    I will be the first one back to Songs board....Freedom of speech is the only ruler on his forum. I am grateful we have this board to discuss the team that we are all passionate about, love or hate. I will not be sticking around here if we are all obligated to only have an eternal "love fest". I will praise the team when we win and complain when we lose. That is the nature of the game and is every God given sport fan's right!
    Your "Freedom of speech" is well protected here. Look at the thread "IceGator Death Watch". I have no connection to the IceGator administration and we all can post what we want good, bad and ugly about the IceGators. The one thing I will not tolerate that Song did is vulgar language or over the top personal attacks on other posters. We can not afford to drive people off and turn people off to IceGator Hockey.

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