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Thread: Nixon works to earn trust in UL's QB battle

  1. UL Football Nixon works to earn trust in UL's QB battle

    Heading into 2015 spring drills, UL coach Mark Hudspeth made it quite clear that Jalen Nixon still had to earn his trust.

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  2. Default Re: Advertiser Nixon works to earn trust in UL's QB battle

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy View Post
    Heading into 2015 spring drills, UL coach Mark Hudspeth made it quite clear that Jalen Nixon still had to earn his trust.

    ----After Buckley's trilogy in the DA of the QBs, it looks like they have great attitudes both for their individual and teammates actions---Great reflection on where they all came from, where they are now, and where they hope to be---If they are all this close in the race and have this type of attitude, I think even with losing B-Way we will be ok at QB!!!

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