_ I have lived in Baton Rouge most of my entire life except for my 5½ years (yes it took me more than 4) at UL, so I have been around plenty of Southern fans and know many as well.
They are a VERY DEVOUT group unlike any! You have to relize that most of there ENTIRE schedule is played within driving distance to Baton Rouge. Most of the SWAC schools are in TX, LA, Ark, MS, AL. There stadium holds almost as much as ours does now, and is being expanding right now, and I think when finsihed will hold MORE than ours!

They have a group of about 10-15K fans that go to just about EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THERE GAMES NO MATTER WHERE IT IS AT!!! They travel in RV's around the south! They are proud of there band, which is coming to Lafayette.
So now with this being only a 1 hour drive, why wouldn't they bring 15K fans??? They'll be in the Cajun Field parking lot by mid week taking up our spaces.
I remember driving to Lafayette once for a UL game and being passed by a huge group of Southern fans and thinking "Where are they going?". Southern was playing in Houston that weekend. If you don't think they travel well, you are lying to yourself.
FWIW, I don't watch any of there games on CST. _