Trosclair strikes out. That's 3 K's so far for Bama's Pitcher.
Trosclair strikes out. That's 3 K's so far for Bama's Pitcher.
2 out walk for Herrington.
They are very worried about Herrington at first. 6 pickoff attempts so far thrown his way.
Herrington steals on the pitch and Clement laces a single into right center. Runners on the corners. 2 outs.
Robbins comes in clutch with an RBI single in the hole on the left side. Runners at 1st and 2nd. 2 outs.
UL 2
Bama 1
Top 2nd
Turned nothing into something. Offense came to battle today.
Nice string of hits with 2 outs
Trahan pops up to end the inning.
1 run on 2 hits and 1 walk. Good Half inning Cajuns.
Middle 2nd
UL 2
Bama 1
Has anyone mastered the sync situation with the radio pup broadcast and the ESPN 3 feed?
I have no sound on ESPN 3
3 up, 3 down for Alabama in the 2nd. Atta boy Leger. A flyout, groundout, and K.
Top 3rd
UL 2
Bama 1
Nope. I gave up on the audio. Radio pup is 3 pitches behind
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