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Thread: Wharton's higher education recommendations approved

  1. Default Re: Wharton's higher education recommendations approved

    Newscopy is a brain dead copy artist. . . . in NC's defense it was in today's online Advocate.

    Looks like they just republished the Nov. 17th news

    Geaux Cajuns

  2. #14

    Default Re: Wharton's higher education recommendations approved

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    _ Maybe instead of trying to "take the high road" and refusing to confront Wharton, Dr. Landry and UL's suporters need to get down in the gutter with Wharton and fight back. Instead of remaining silent maybe we need to lay out some facts to show what our resources are and what is being accomplished with those resources and then ask for a comparison of State's resources and what they are accomplishing. Show that UL is providing a bang for the buck.

    There is no guarantee, given the politcal history in this state, that fighting back will allow UL to come out on top. But I can guarantee that remaining passive and silent is a sure road to defeat.

    "If he comes at you with a knife, you pull a gun." _

    It is time for UL to take a leadership position within the UL System and on its own behalf. We can no longer quietly sit by letting LSU dominate us or everything we have built up over the years will be taken and we will truly be relegated to one of those regional colleges that Wharton wants us all to be. If we truly want to be The University of Louisiana, now is the time to stake our claim and be heard.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Wharton's higher education recommendations approved

    To show you what we are up against though... two examples of local representatives who should help the university, but don't.

    Freddie Mills, a state Rep from St. Martin Parish and Scott Angelle, a Department head from Breaux Bridge, are both graduates of UL... but neither has EVER supported their university, either academically or athletically. On the contrary, both are HUGE fans and supporters of LSU.

    I would suspect that they are not the only 2 in the Acadiana area who are graduates of UL, but couldn't care less whether the university succeeds or not.

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