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Thread: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

  1. #49

    Default Re: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

    Looks like the Admins are working overtime on this thread tonight. I am having trouble following along.

  2. #50

    Default Re: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corndog308 View Post
    Why try when the university doesn't try? _
    Know whats the good thing about this country????.......YOU DONT HAVE TO!!!

    It's pretty simple. Jump ship if you don't like the way things are being ran.

  3. #51

    Default Re: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun08 View Post
    _ Believe that if you want. I think it is a HORRIBLE strategy.

    If I were a recruit, I would laugh in Bustle's face. As a matter of fact, I will send an email to a family friend who is exactly in the situation we are discussing. Her son received an offer letter to play football from UL a couple weeks ago. _
    As I expected, Bustle's tender at UL is a MAJOR consideration. Unlike a coaches contract, a scholarship is not guaranteed. What happens to the re-shirt freshman once Bustle leaves next year? Major factor when making their decision this year.

  4. #52

    Default Re: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

    For everyone that is ____ed off about retaining Bustle, chew on this for a second. Next year there will be 2 new bowl games (Yankee Bowl and Dallas Football Classic). One is in the New Yankee Stadium and the other will be at the Cotton Bowl, since the real Cotton Bowl is moving to the House that Jerry Built.

    That means that if by some miracle, Bustle goes 6-6 and the rest of the country does the same thing they did this year, then we would get into a bowl game.

    So in the final year of Bustle's contract, he goes .500 and accidentally backs into the first "real" bowl game in the history of UL football. Guess what that means......

    ......NEW CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!

    And were stuck with him for another 4-5 years. Think about that tonight while you close your eyes and try to sleep. Sweet Dreams!!!!!!!

  5. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunShocker View Post
    For everyone that is ____ed off about retaining Bustle, chew on this for a second. Next year there will be 2 new bowl games (Yankee Bowl and Dallas Football Classic). One is in the New Yankee Stadium and the other will be at the Cotton Bowl, since the real Cotton Bowl is moving to the House that Jerry Built.

    That means that if by some miracle, Bustle goes 6-6 and the rest of the country does the same thing they did this year, then we would get into a bowl game.

    So in the final year of Bustle's contract, he goes .500 and accidentally backs into the first "real" bowl game in the history of UL football. Guess what that means......

    ......NEW CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!

    And were stuck with him for another 4-5 years. Think about that tonight while you close your eyes and try to sleep. Sweet Dreams!!!!!!! kidding

  6. #54

    Default Re: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunShocker View Post
    _ For everyone that is ____ed off about retaining Bustle, chew on this for a second. Next year there will be 2 new bowl games (Yankee Bowl and Dallas Football Classic). One is in the New Yankee Stadium and the other will be at the Cotton Bowl, since the real Cotton Bowl is moving to the House that Jerry Built.

    That means that if by some miracle, Bustle goes 6-6 and the rest of the country does the same thing they did this year, then we would get into a bowl game.

    So in the final year of Bustle's contract, he goes .500 and accidentally backs into the first "real" bowl game in the history of UL football. Guess what that means......

    ......NEW CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!

    And were stuck with him for another 4-5 years. Think about that tonight while you close your eyes and try to sleep. Sweet Dreams!!!!!!! _
    At this point, I think I would accept a 6-6 season. More than likely that means we were 6-2 in conference.

  7. #55

    UL Football Re: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunShocker View Post
    _ For everyone that is ____ed off about retaining Bustle, chew on this for a second. Next year there will be 2 new bowl games (Yankee Bowl and Dallas Football Classic). One is in the New Yankee Stadium and the other will be at the Cotton Bowl, since the real Cotton Bowl is moving to the House that Jerry Built.

    That means that if by some miracle, Bustle goes 6-6 and the rest of the country does the same thing they did this year, then we would get into a bowl game.

    So in the final year of Bustle's contract, he goes .500 and accidentally backs into the first "real" bowl game in the history of UL football. Guess what that means......

    ......NEW CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!

    And were stuck with him for another 4-5 years. Think about that tonight while you close your eyes and try to sleep. Sweet Dreams!!!!!!! _
    That is exactly what I fear!!!! This decision just set us back another 3 years or so. This is why the belt is moving forward faster than us!!

    Forever A Fan!!!


  8. #56

    Default Re: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunZ1 View Post
    _ I would agree with this, but Bustle has proven that (with some exceptions) that he does not recruit highly talented, highly sought after kids. I guarantee you we will see very little drop-off recruiting wise this year.

    I'm not saying I agree with the decision, but I don't think it will devastate out recruiting. Our fanbase? Possibly. _
    Dead on. How on earth could recruiting be affected? We are already hauling in bottom 10 classes each year. We will get kids that see an opportunity for early playing time on a D1A team. This will not change until we have some success or have a different recruiting strategy. I bet Bustle's contract will play a small part in the equation.

    As for keeping Bustle, I am on the fence. I think he is a terrible recruiter, but a decent coach and fine person. My wish is he changes his recruiting focus and wins the conference next year!

  9. #57

    Default Re: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

    This is a horrible decision by our admin. This coupled with the nonmoves in basketball last year add on to the perception that this admin is clueless and doesn't care. My season tickets will not be renewed next season (not saying I wont go to any games but I am going to go the cheap route and get student escort tickets). Also i finally am in a place to financially give money to rcaf however they won't be getting that either until the admin proves they care as much as I do.

    It seems as if this admin is scared to make a move and until they decide that mediocrity will not be accepted nothing will ever change.

  10. #58

    Default Re: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

    Quote Originally Posted by J-Town Cajun View Post
    _ If the money is there than I do not agree with the decision, and again if the money is there could you give me the reason administration kept Bustle. You can't just say they have no balls. I would like a real answer.

    If we really have that kind of money and not spending it on a new coach we need to reinvest the money into tangible things such as facility improvements (suites at the stadium, academic center for students-athletes, or athletic dorms near the athletic complex).

    We must remember a new coach does not guarantee the UL program or any program success. Look at Notre Dame. From an x and o stand point i do not think bustle is a bad coach. What he did with the lack of talent at WR and RB this season was pretty good in my opinion. The defense underachieved in my opinion buy has gotten better the last few seasons. The reason we are not winning more games is because a lack of talent not coaching. We must recruit better and this it not just the coaches responsibility but also the fans. We as fans can help change the perception of the program, support the program with attendance, and donate money. Winning is the answer to all but I am not sure a new coach will win anymore games next season. So the real question is do we invest in facility upgrades or a new coach. Facility upgrades is a safer investment.

    All that I have said I will say that I was in favor of a new coach to change the perception of the program more than anything because a better perception means better recruiting, better attendance, and bigger donations. I was just trying to justify why UL choose to keep Bustle. _

    It's not the coach's fault we don't win, it's the recruiting? WHO THE F* DO YOU THINK RECRUITS THE FREAKIN SCRUB WIDE RECEIVERS AND TAILBACKS WE HAD THIS YEAR?! Rickey Bustle is a freaking joke and I'm sick of it. I'll go tailgate next year but I will not go into the games.

  11. #59

    Default Re: Parrott Blog: Bustle to return in 2010.

    Its nice to see all the hardcore fans taking the high road. Hard to believe most of you think you are not one in the same with LSU fan.

  12. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by anhil8tor View Post
    Its nice to see all the hardcore fans taking the high road. Hard to believe most of you think you are not one in the same with LSU fan.
    Why not at least they dont except anything less than winning! This was a bad decision and now that i think about it, when has david walker ever made a good decision?

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