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Thread: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

  1. #37

    Default Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    Quote Originally Posted by Navarre Trojan View Post

    Notice that Troy has an APR of 945 in football, UL 916! So, why is it that our football players are smarter, more talented, and simply better than yours, yet you point to this system and blame it for your misfortune.
    And that falls below the 950 cutoff so if you were subject to the APR you would also be subject to the same penalties. But you are not so its not a level playing field.

  2. #38

    Default Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    Quote Originally Posted by Navarre Trojan View Post
    _ I don't care what HE told you, that is not the reason he was suspended. Had he been suspended for fighting he would not have been asked to make the trip and be on the sidelines to watch his teammates participate. You see, this is part of the discipline process utilized at Troy. Keep you stuff together and you can participate with others, who also have their stuff together, and compete. Something every athlete wants to do (don't know if you have any concept of that). However, being a college athlete means more than just "playing the game", it is about paying the price to have the privilege to play.

    Don't use your brush to paint me (or anyone else within the Troy program) as those that approve of the video, or the actions this young man participated in when he was previously somewhere else. Assuming this will only make you look ignorant and uninformed. Here is a bit about him that you obviously don't know. The ONLY REASON he is at Troy is because Coach Blakeney contacted the head coach at Oklahoma and questioned him about his character and what type of kid he "really" is. Did he make some bonehead, idiotic mistakes as a 16 or 17 year old kid? Absolutely (didn't you). But YOU take what you read, without looking inside (thus giving you zero insight) and believe it.

    Here's a question for you, "what is wrong with trying to help a young athlete, who is academically challenged, get his/her school work in order by attending a JUCO, or grey shirting, so that they can then blend in athletics into the scholastic process, see if they can balance college athletics with academics and build for their future? There is no, ZERO, binding agreement when athletes are placed in JUCOs. Athletes have the right to go to any 4-year school they want after one or two years of junior college. The fact that many decided to go back to those schools who originally recruited them shows a bit of "class" or "commitment" or "loyalty" doesn't it? Wouldn't you agree that this is what makes good, decent human beings, not to mention students?

    So espouse your opinions, spew your dislike, or call someone a 'reject', I am only asking that when you accuse someone of something, do your research, learn a few of the facts before you BLAST OFF into outer space with some random opinion, or not.

    Rage on big fella (since you assumed I was a "guy" I will assume that you are a "guy").. DA _
    You are right.. He did not have a stolen, loaded gun on school grounds, I have no facts.. I guess I am just a shallow person because a guy who does that, I think that defines his character for me enough, you act like he only messed up once, did you listen to the lyrics of his rap? This guy has serious mental issues. For the record, no I can not say I made any "bonehead" mistakes to compete with this guy. But I actually used my "brush to paint you" as a nice guy, sorry about that, I wont paint you anything again, you sound pretty sensitive. I am done with you, you are a tool. The fact that you come on another schools board just to bash helps prove my point with this, so go ahead and say whatever you would like, blast away.

  3. Default Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    Quote Originally Posted by Navarre Trojan View Post
    As for the APR issue, this is merely a program for those universities that have a certain number % of students that apply for federal financial aid due to economic difficulties. Has anyone on this board looked at the APR ratings in the Sun Belt? Which programs consistently achieve or exceed the minimum standards required by the NCAA? Here, educate yourself
    I wonder to what extent the availabilty of Louisiana's TOPS (Tuition Opportunity Program for Students) program has on reducing applications for federal financial aid. ?

    Geaux Cajuns

  4. #40


    The cutoff is actually 925.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    And that falls below the 950 cutoff so if you were subject to the APR you would also be subject to the same penalties. But you are not so its not a level playing field.

  5. #41

    Default Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    To the Troy person that thinks UL and Troy are on a "level playing field" when it comes to APR is drinking something. Your APR is adjusted because the NCAA established a program for colleges such as yours and a few others in our conference. Our admissions standards are much higher then yours as well. That doesn't have anything to do with winning or losing last's a fact. Your signing practices will soon be discontinued. Troy signs 40 recruits on signing day knowing full well many will never meet NCAA D1 requirements. When that occurs your school has a cozy little relationship with the community college there that takes those ineligible players so not only do you have an experienced JUCO group to pull from you have successfully signed some of the best athletes away from other schools as they sign their recruits. This practice is being investigated by the NCAA and perhaps at least this practice will be abolished and the "playing field will be a little more level". No hard feelings for last is just YOU that needs to get your facts straight.

  6. #42

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    Quote Originally Posted by Louisiana84 View Post
    _ I think Troy's band must have an APR exemption also. Damn, they play and march with total discipline. And their administration paid for them to travel. _
    I'm not sure if it's their administration or their athletic department, but their band plays at EVERY football game, no matter where it is. Wish we could've traveled to everygame when I was in POA!!!

  7. #43

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    Quote Originally Posted by Navarre Trojan View Post
    _ To answer your question, sure, I could probably get that information, but I will let you do that research.

    It was the APR that was discussed and used by this forum that UL lost because of the APR program. Then I prove to you that Troy's APR is better than UL's and you want another program to compare. I am also positive that the NCAA sets minimum requirements for SAT/ACT results, which, if an istitution choose not adhere to, and are caught, then they pay the price. If you are now accusing Troy of changing or hiding SAT/ACT scores, I suggest you check yourself prior to 'seriously' documenting your accusations.

    We will do our best to represent the Sun Belt as champions in whatever bowl game we have earned, on the field and in the classrooms. ALL within the rules and regulations of the NCAA.

    Good day mate. _
    IF Troy's APR is better than UL's, it's only because of the exemptions granted to Troy and all the other universities that have moved up from 1AA to 1A in recent years. Your university isn't penalized when one of your athletes decides to leave school before completing their degrees, ours on the other hand, IS.

  8. Default Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    Miss Mandy and NOCajun ---THANKS for your input----If it looks, quacks looks, and has the colors----it is a duck and I think that the Troyers and the ULMers need to fess up-----BTW ---Where is the KING Wright Waters on this???? No way this should be allowed!!!!!

  9. Default Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    Quote Originally Posted by MissingMandy View Post
    _ To the Troy person that thinks UL and Troy are on a "level playing field" when it comes to APR is drinking something. Your APR is adjusted because the NCAA established a program for colleges such as yours and a few others in our conference. Our admissions standards are much higher then yours as well. That doesn't have anything to do with winning or losing last's a fact. Your signing practices will soon be discontinued. Troy signs 40 recruits on signing day knowing full well many will never meet NCAA D1 requirements. When that occurs your school has a cozy little relationship with the community college there that takes those ineligible players so not only do you have an experienced JUCO group to pull from you have successfully signed some of the best athletes away from other schools as they sign their recruits. This practice is being investigated by the NCAA and perhaps at least this practice will be abolished and the "playing field will be a little more level". No hard feelings for last is just YOU that needs to get your facts straight. _
    Troy signed 28 recruits in 2009. Not 40. says Troy had 41 signed players last year, says 32. Troy OFFICIALLY signed 28 at the end of the National Signing Day...

    It sure does seem like there are sour grapes in here because of Troy's success. If Troy wasn't good in football, I bet this would be something that wouldn't be talked about.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    Quote Originally Posted by Parrott View Post
    _ The cutoff is actually 925. _
    I stand corrected, thanks. Still doesn't change the fact that the APR exemption is ridiculous.

  11. #47

    Default Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    Quote Originally Posted by rationaltrojan View Post
    _ Troy signed 28 recruits in 2009. Not 40. says Troy had 41 signed players last year, says 32. Troy OFFICIALLY signed 28 at the end of the National Signing Day...

    It sure does seem like there are sour grapes in here because of Troy's success. If Troy wasn't good in football, I bet this would be something that wouldn't be talked about. _
    You better go back and look at your numbers. There were 40 commited recruits to your program coming into signing day and that happens every year. Troy banks on the fact that at least 40% will not be eligible and it happened again this year. By the time they are ready to go elsewhere all of the other schools have their recruits signed. You have an open admissions policy and you do not have the same APR requirements as we do and that is simply wrong. Not sour grapes FACTS!!!!! I applaud your many winning seasons but the playing field should be fair for all of the SUnbelt conference. It is like a baseball player breaking records on that a true measure of his ability or are the odds set in his favor???? Oh and by the way...I am sure your source for news is fair and balanced??? Wink. (

  12. #48

    Default Re: Yeah, we're dissapointed but....

    Quote Originally Posted by NOCajun View Post
    _ I'm not sure if it's their administration or their athletic department, but their band plays at EVERY football game, no matter where it is. Wish we could've traveled to everygame when I was in POA!!! _
    The administration pays for the Sound of the South to go to the games. The Sound only takes the pep band if the game is too far away.

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