With the death of Neil Armstrong back in August 2012, humanity lost one of its greatest heroes. Whilst his first steps on the Moon were driven by the United States out of competition with its terrestrial rival, the USSR, the words that accompanied his actions spoke of an achievement for all mankind. Upon his death, the Armstrong family donated many of the mementos that Neil had kept to Purdue University, Indiana (his alma mater) and to the National Air and Space Museum, Virginia. However, a bag full of Apollo 11 relics that traveled aboard the Eagle Lunar Module (LM) were unexpectedly discovered months later in an unassuming bag in his closet... Continue Reading Unassuming bag found in Neil Armstrong's closet yields priceless Apollo 11 artifacts

Section: Space

Tags: Apollo, Apollo 11, Astronauts, Historic, Lunar, Moon, NASA, Spacecraft

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