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Thread: Sorry but I'm done (Shark Tankish)

  1. #49

    Default Re: Sorry but I'm done

    my last year at UL was in 2005

  2. #50

    Default Re: 8-4

    Quote Originally Posted by NOCajun View Post
    _ If the CAJUNS are LUCKY, they'll finish 4-8!!! _
    This should win best post of the season!!

  3. #51

    Default Re: Sorry but I'm done

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post
    _ I have defended Bustle over the past 2 or 3 years against much criticism. IT STOPS TODAY!! _

    i hear ya!! i have defended him too, but after 8 season i'm tired of being "Bowl Eligible" if all you can win is 6 then its time for a change! Glad to see that Brad Bustle is a it's possible, a guy can dream right!!

  4. #52

    Default Re: Sorry but I'm done (Shark Tankish)

    I'm deciding if I'm going to stay home or go late... or tailgate and don't go in.

  5. #53

    Default Re: Sorry but I'm done (Shark Tankish)

    Quote Originally Posted by anhil8tor View Post
    I'm deciding if I'm going to stay home or go late... or tailgate and don't go in.
    If you are hinting for MY it is...
    Don't stay home...
    Be on time or early...
    Join in on the fun of a tailgate!
    For sure come on into the stadium.

    I know so many folks think winning is everything...but right now I plan on finding some fun at the ballgame anyway. If it is too unpleasant, I won't even look at the score board.

    I plan on finding something FUNNY at the next game.
    Last game I had a hoot laughing at the beer sign.(keep reading...I will explain.) The big sign says something like...Only allowed to purchase 2 beers at a time per person per transaction.
    So I had to ask...What if a person comes right back and buys 2 more beers? Is that ok? They answered, "Sure!"
    I asked why they have the rule...They said it is so that people will only buy as much as they can carry. I found that hillarious.
    Then I got to thinking...What if a one-armed person wanted to buy 2 beer? Would they let them buy 2 beers?

    Come to the game... Don't cry in your beer...

    It won't be the same if you don't come to the GAME!
    Hey, I'm a poet and didn't know it.

    Please excuse my silliness...I got into the Halloween candy.

  6. Default Re: Sorry but I'm done (Shark Tankish)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jo Cajun Momma View Post
    _ If you are hinting for MY it is...
    Don't stay home...
    Be on time or early...
    Join in on the fun of a tailgate!
    For sure come on into the stadium.

    I know so many folks think winning is everything...but right now I plan on finding some fun at the ballgame anyway. If it is too unpleasant, I won't even look at the score board.

    I plan on finding something FUNNY at the next game.
    Last game I had a hoot laughing at the beer sign.(keep reading...I will explain.) The big sign says something like...Only allowed to purchase 2 beers at a time per person per transaction.
    So I had to ask...What if a person comes right back and buys 2 more beers? Is that ok? They answered, "Sure!"
    I asked why they have the rule...They said it is so that people will only buy as much as they can carry. I found that hillarious.
    Then I got to thinking...What if a one-armed person wanted to buy 2 beer? Would they let them buy 2 beers?

    Come to the game... Don't cry in your beer...

    It won't be the same if you don't come to the GAME!
    Hey, I'm a poet and didn't know it.

    Please excuse my silliness...I got into the Halloween candy.

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