Sftball does deserve an upgrade. No they should not be our signature sport but they should get an new and improved building or stadium should I say. Why not they are winning Championships.
Most schools do the opposite. They build winning football and basketball programs that generate the revenue and support that allows the non-revenue sports to excel and improve facilities. UL, on the other hand, finds one winning program that succeeds despite our athletic department, builds it up as our lone signature sport, then later (hopefully, but no proof that they will) addresses football and basketball where revenue, attendance and support are down. This is all part of a master plan that the athletic department has secretly devised. I guess it will all come together at some time in our lifetime. I'm getting tired of waiting.
Like it or not, softball is a PREMIER program at this university. They have been for many years, and are only now getting support from the university - - support that they have deserved for a long, long time. If we waited for football and/or basketball to get us to the point that they supported all others, our programs would be going D-3 instead of UNOs!
Hey, I love our softball program and you are right, they do deserve the stadium and the upgrades. They earned it. I am just saying that UL is doing it backwards out of necessity because they failed to build winning money driven programs to begin with. If we don't do something soon with football and basketball, the UNO model will start to look attractive.
When did this thread get hijacked?? I thought it was about possible replacements for our coach.
I guess I am envious of Tech's coach---handsome, articulate, and seemingly a leader----Yes they are bad record wise this year, but they look to be good in the future------He got some local folks to help out and has kicked ass in recruiting ---especially in South LA.---We did our best under Stok and I think that local roots helped---MY idea is to have a younger guy and maybe keep the guys on the staff that have brought in the players-------Think about this ---would you rather have a coach that could bring in the best players of the one that was a better coach---I take the former because if you get the kid ----a moron can coach them----In fact a good head coach can teach them how to coach----but usually they go hand and hand!!!!!!! I think that I would love to be on the hiring committee if it comes about for us!!!!
It got hijacked when someone suggested that the funding for the upgrade for the softball complex be used instead to hire a new football coach. That's when I pointed out that the upgrade to the softball complex is coming primarily if not soley from the contributions of an alumnus who is choosing to support the deserving softball program. So, again, I say debate all you want about hiring a new fb coach, but leave the softball program alone. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!! And don't jack their funding...they've earned the outside support that they are getting. Keep up the good work Loteifs.
Anyone who doubted the triple option needs to take a look at Georgia Tech's recored...
Navy's Coach Ken Niumatalolo... Paul Johnson disciple.. was with him since being a grad assistant back in '92.
Boomer you forgot to add that he has raped every sport at Tech except football, to the point that his President and his largest donor are now strongarming him to schedule us and ULM in football to save the 'minor' sports.
His recruits haven't done squat yet. They looked pretty on paper, though.
No matter what he does up there, it is still Ruston. I was working up there last month, and I saw exactly ONE car with a Tech window decal [I'm a Tech Mom] and that one had a huge LSU Fighting Tigers decal in addition to the Tech Mom one.
But he is photogenic and outspoken. I'll give you that.
Yesterday, ESPN radio was talking about that very thing, a coach's appearance, style and image. Dan was referring to coaches like the Kansas Coach who weighs over 400 lbs. or Weiss at Notre Dame who have very poor images. When they get on the hot seat, as apparently both coaches are, another compelling reason to dismiss them is they don't have the right image the university want's its coach to have. Image isn't everything, but does matter. There have even been threads here about Bustle's image, how poorly he dresses, chews tabacco, not a good public speaker, is just a good ole boy, etc. Just win and it doesn't matter. Lose and it just adds to the total losing package. Bustle's image and lack of winning are certainly against him at this time.
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