In contrast with the aborted Field Day of 1902, a (UL student only) Field Day was held in 1903 on May 2nd.

The Avatar
April 18, 1903
Field Day Games 1903

On Saturday May 2, the campus will be thronged for this is the day on which our athletic games will take place. The program is well under headway and it will undoubtedly be on of the most interesting features to which the school has been treated. There will be various athletic feats performed by the boys in the way of races, which are the hurdle race, potato race, elephant race, sack race, barrel race, with the 100 yards dash. Then comes the jumps, standing and running, the tug of war and other numbers. The girls have the egg race entirely to themselves and are making ready for the contest.

.There is indeed an inducement to the students to enter this contest as our gentlemen friends and the business firms of Lafayette are offering prizes to the winners. This field day is to be something fine, something Lafayette has never in its long existence before witnessed, therefore let every one be present and enjoy it.