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Thread: The Spice is wrong!!!

  1. Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    We need the guy that did the video on finding the store in Cameron Parish to be CAJUN MAN he could stir up some stuff pre game with his old hat and white Cajun Rebock boots and shotgun!!!!

  2. #50

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Why are we missing the boat.... gator is ok and there's really nothing wrong with it except we would share a mascot with Florida all while not actually being the gators....... Identity??????? We are the ragin cajuns and our colors are red(vermillion) and white. What's red(vermillion)? Crawfish(boiled). What is the Lafayette and Acadiana area known for? Peppers, I mean CRAWFISH!!!!! It's not rocket science. It's so freakin painfully obvious, that we're affraid to do it.

    It would be a cool costume also. But the mascot would have to belly crawl always!!!!!!

  3. #51

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacob View Post
    _ Why are we missing the boat.... gator is ok and there's really nothing wrong with it except we would share a mascot with Florida all while not actually being the gators....... Identity??????? We are the ragin cajuns and our colors are red(vermillion) and white. What's red(vermillion)? Crawfish(boiled). What is the Lafayette and Acadiana area known for? Peppers, I mean CRAWFISH!!!!! It's not rocket science. It's so freakin painfully obvious, that we're affraid to do it.

    It would be a cool costume also. But the mascot would have to belly crawl always!!!!!! _
    UF already stole yalls stadium nickname.

  4. #52

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by WadeWilson View Post
    _ UF already stole yalls stadium nickname. _
    "Y'alls"????? Why, I thought you were a UL student? You know, one of us.

    Come on now, you've got to work harder to keep your cover story straight if you are going to pose on message boards.

  5. #53

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    The pepper is fine, it just needs to be re-colored. No more yellow.

  6. #54

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by WadeWilson View Post
    _ Because I live in Lafayette now, and I go to UL. I signed up on this message board, hoping I could learn some stuff about the football team, and I have to file through dumbass posters like yourself. _
    Did you miss the post by Frowning Bob and his reference to his wife and Cayenne? Bob has some problems he needs to work out.

  7. #55

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    Did you miss the post by Frowning Bob and his reference to his wife and Cayenne? Bob has some problems he needs to work out.
    Yeah I saw it I thought he was messin around

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    _ Maybe you need to be more sensitive to her needs. _
    This made me lol

  8. Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacob View Post
    We are the ragin cajuns and our colors are red(vermillion) and white. What's red(vermillion)? Crawfish(boiled). What is the Lafayette and Acadiana area known for? Peppers, I mean CRAWFISH!!!!! It's not rocket science. It's so freakin painfully obvious, that we're affraid to do it.

    It would be a cool costume also. But the mascot would have to belly crawl always!!!!!! _
    I agree with you except you simply cannot pick a mascot because of it's associated color when DEAD.

    If they didn't turn red at boiling I could go for the idea faster and would suggest making a red crawfish.

    Geaux Cajuns

  9. #57

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by WadeWilson View Post
    _ Yeah I saw it I thought he was messin around

    So you are o.k. with LSU BOB getting on the board and trashing talking about our mascot, and consider him messing around, but when I respond (also messing around by the way) you call me out about?


  10. #58

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by WadeWilson View Post
    _ UF already stole yalls stadium nickname. _

    Doesn't Clemson also call its stadium Death Valley, the same as LSU? Who stole the name from whom? It doesn't matter that Florida is called the Gators or that their stadium is also called the Swamp. How many schools are called Tigers, to name a few, LSU, Auburn, Missouri, Memphis. How many schools are called Aggies, to name a few Texas A&M, Utah State, New Mexico State. How many schools are named Bulldogs, to name a few, Georgia, LA Tech, Fresno State, Miss. State.

    And regarding our using UL, people complain that there is a University of Louisville, so why would we confuse things with us using UL. Louisville uses "L" in old english and U of L. And, even if they did use UL, so what? How many schools have similar letters, to name a few:

    OSU - Oklahoma State and Oregon State (and both in black and orange)
    USC - Southern Cal and South Carolina
    UM - Michigan, Missouri, Memphis, Minnesota,
    FSU - Florida State, Fresno State

    Someone from LSU came on our board recently and objected to our using Louisiana and UL because it would confuse everyone with Louisiana State/LSU. I commented that no one confuses Texas with Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Texas State, Texas El Paso (and Texas A&M often goes by the Texas Aggies) or Florida and Florida State, Michigan and Michigan State, Ohio and Ohio State, Arizona and Arizona State or even Louisiana Tech and Louisiana State. That is a lame argument as just about every state has a University of and State University.

    Since you are new to UL and are an LSU supporter, just wanted to debunk some theories out there that you might have latched onto.

    Glad you are on board and sorry you get pulled into these kind of name calling posts on here. This seems to go on all the time among Cajun fans. It is one reason reason why our fan base is so small. Hang in there with us as we try and build up what our past administration tore down. We'll get there, but it won't be easy. We can't even agree amonst ourselves as to how we'll do it. Just look at our mascot discussion.

  11. #59

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by WadeWilson View Post
    _ UF already stole yalls stadium nickname. _
    On an ESPN game blog, some fan from Florida stated that we shouldn't use the Swamp name since UF pretty much owned it. I reminded him that we started using it three years before the Gators, but also offered that UF probably had no intention of "stealing" it. UL never copywrited the use of "The Swamp", but had we ever been officially told to stop using it by the Florida admin, Hurricane Andrew would seem small in comparison to the legal storm that would have ensued. And they would have been blown away.

    We are the REAL Swamp! Playing surface two feet below sea level, largest swampland in the US just the east of town, a gator habitat in central campus. The name was a perfect fit.

    I completely understand Spurrier's desire for the name back in '91, but don't tell us to take down our stadium signs and quietly go away.


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