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Thread: The Spice is wrong!!!

  1. #37

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUN_LXA685 View Post
    _ Well then you go over to your LSUA&M@BR game and watch your Tigers lose this weekend, and send your wife our way, we will make her feel welcome! _

    He is right. The pepper mascot is rediculous. The ONLY place for the pepper is the accent on Ragin. We need a real mascot to go along with Ragin Cajuns. That should be either (a) bullgator, (b) catahoULa (state dog)or (c) pelican (state bird). Remember, we are The University of Louisiana. Let's have a mascot reflective of our university. We need to revise our color scheme and logo and go back to red and white. Once this is done, we need to remarket ourselves with our new logo, new mascot, new color scheme and ONLY with UL and Louisiana. Then, license new gear by the university and watch sales soar.

  2. #38

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LSU Bob View Post
    _ Count my wife in she likes your living walking pin headed dildo mascot. _
    Obviously she must have a fondness for walking pin headed dildos...she married you.

  3. #39

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ He is right. The pepper mascot is rediculous. The ONLY place for the pepper is the accent on Ragin. We need a real mascot to go along with Ragin Cajuns. That should be either (a) bullgator, (b) catahoULa (state dog)or (c) pelican (state bird). Remember, we are The University of Louisiana. Let's have a mascot reflective of our university. We need to revise our color scheme and logo and go back to red and white. Once this is done, we need to remarket ourselves with our new logo, new mascot, new color scheme and ONLY with UL and Louisiana. Then, license new gear by the university and watch sales soar. _
    I think we should go back to the bulldog personally. i don't think the pepper is the best mascot but it isn't the worst either.

    I mean I understand the pelican b/c it is the state bird, but how scary / intimidating is that? You think people make fun of the Pepper but won't make fun of a pelican?

  4. #40

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUN_LXA685 View Post
    _ I think we should go back to the bulldog personally. i don't think the pepper is the best mascot but it isn't the worst either.

    I mean I understand the pelican b/c it is the state bird, but how scary / intimidating is that? You think people make fun of the Pepper but won't make fun of a pelican? _

    What's scarier than an Allligator? Florida doesn't have too many problems with that. Or, what about a Longhorn or a Buffalo? How is a Pelican scary but not these other greatly recognized and loved mascots? It is all in how it is marketed, something obviously foreign to UL.

  5. #41

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    I could live with an Alligator I guess. How would you make it / cloth it so that it is associated with THE University of Louisiana without looking corny or stupid?

  6. #42

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUN_LXA685 View Post
    _ I could live with an Alligator I guess. How would you make it / cloth it so that it is associated with THE University of Louisiana without looking corny or stupid? _

    We had a thread a few months ago about mascots. Someone had a great bullgator mascot, cartoon character, named Fideaux, if I remember correctly. Given that we have bullgators in the swamp on campus, that mascot appeared a good fit for UL. Could whoever posted that before do so again? It would be real easy to make that into a costume worn on the sidelines.

  7. #43

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    When I was finishing at USL in 1995 they had decided to go with a bulldog named ragin cajun as the mascot. Seemed like a good idea, tied into the old nickname, while keeping our cooler than cool current nickname. I left the state for several years and didn't do a very good job of keeping up with the goings on here. When I got back in 2003 the bulldog was gone. What happened? It's definitely better than the walking tampon.

    I'm sure this has been hashed over here, but I just didn't know the story....

  8. Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    UL has 24-7 BullGator representation on campus with the world’s most valuable campus mascot habitat. Priceless.

    Now then, the pepper is both a homerun and a dismal failure. It looks great embroidered and in print but simply does not translate well into or onto any other venue real or pretend or as mental imagery.

    Geaux Cajuns

  9. #45

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ We had a thread a few months ago about mascots. Someone had a great bullgator mascot, cartoon character, named Fideaux, if I remember correctly. Given that we have bullgators in the swamp on campus, that mascot appeared a good fit for UL. Could whoever posted that before do so again? It would be real easy to make that into a costume worn on the sidelines. _

    i found the thread and here is one of the pictures....which I vote for. If you can get a costume made that looks this fierce I'm in.

    I agree that the pepper looks good embroided and in print, so I also vote for keeping it as the "comma to the top" at the end of RAGIN.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  10. #46

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Since we are selling beer now let's bring back BUDMAN!!!

  11. Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    The secret to a great mascot with personality is the beak or snout or choppers.

    If it is pronounced when it turns or just looks in a different direction it conveys action and personality.

    This is part of the failure of pepper design, the person inside is at a real disadvantage to express personality. If you can’t do that you will never serve the purpose of getting the crowd into the game.

    Geaux Cajuns

  12. #48

    Default Re: The Spice is wrong!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUN_LXA685 View Post
    _ i found the thread and here is one of the pictures....which I vote for. If you can get a costume made that looks this fierce I'm in.

    I agree that the pepper looks good embroided and in print, so I also vote for keeping it as the "comma to the top" at the end of RAGIN. _
    That is it and it is nice looking. I would put a UL on the state "L" and on the back have his name, whatever it would be called. We could have a name contest, starting with Fideaux.

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