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Thread: Long short on words after solid performance

  1. Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Now these morons are making this about race.
    It never ends.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    Bull____!! A college player is NOT accountable to the media for his performances! He is accountable to his team, coaches and school but not the media. For the record, I have no problem with Luke feeling that way either as it is his job and it makes it a lot easier when you can get your answers and move on but I just didn't like the way he called him out in the article.

    Now, to be straight, I'm not saying his demeanor was appropriate nor was his interaction with the media but I also question Luke calling him out. I also am not high on making athletes accessible to the media at the college level but that's a different argument for a different day.
    Once you accept your coaches invitation to be in a post game interview you owe a good effort. Simply decline if you don't want to. Luke did the appropriate thing calling him out.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Once you accept your coaches invitation to be in a post game interview you owe a good effort. Simply decline if you don't want to. Luke did the appropriate thing calling him out.
    Calling out isn't always a good thing.


    Especially when you are calling out something that is temporarily private.

  4. #64


    Marlin handled it...i'm good

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by basinbear View Post
    Marlin handled it...i'm good
    As am I. Never was on a mission to crush the guy.

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Now these morons are making this about race.
    It never ends.
    That was the most idiotic call I have ever heard on sports radio, and I have listened to a few of phyllis' calls on the Paul feinbaum show.

    The only racist in this entire situation was that caller. Ryan B. handled it like a professional but I sure wish that dumb ___ would have made that call while Jay was on air. I have been critical of how harsh Jay is to callers in the past but that disgrace of a sports fan deserved to get reamed!

  7. Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    Shawn is immature. If he doesn't remedy his immaturity, it will cost him money.

    On the flip side, if Shawn were a mature, polished, 6'10" double-double machine. He'd be at Duke. Not here.
    ----If I were coach Marlin I would call EP and ask him to just spend some talk time with Long---Tell him that he is making$2.5 Mill/year----Every time he pulls one of these stunts it costs Long in bucks but also in draft position!!! Quit IT!!!

  8. #68

    Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Way late on this but nobody knows what Long was feeling like post game. We assume he was happy because of his play but consider his recent frustrations and the fact that he played less than half a game Thursday. Last night could have been full of negative emotions (frustration, revenge, etc). Then a bunch of guys come bombard him with questions...

    Was it immature what he did? Definitely. And he'll learn from this (at least he should)

    But Luke is a grown ___ man. Perhaps both Long and Luke were equally frustrated. They both responded in kind. I'm not gonna call Long a kid because he is not but I put more of the onus on Luke - you're an adult. Maybe think twice before calling out our star player..esp when you have no idea how he might have been feeling.

    That said. I still enjoy your writing Luke

  9. Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Doc if he didn't want to talk don't be up there for an interview. I got no problem with him not being there. Once you step onto the interview platform do your best.

    I really have no problem with either. Just felt Long did himself and UL a bit of minor harm. Hardly worth dozens of comments.

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Doc if he didn't want to talk don't be up there for an interview. I got no problem with him not being there. Once you step onto the interview platform do your best.

    I really have no problem with either. Just felt Long did himself and UL a bit of minor harm. Hardly worth dozens of comments.
    Can't disagree with anything you said. It was immature.

    But I still think Luke could have written a nice story minus calling Long out. That's JMO

  11. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by DocCajun View Post
    Can't disagree with anything you said. It was immature.

    But I still think Luke could have written a nice story minus calling Long out. That's JMO
    I understand that sentiment, because there are far too many negative stories out there in today's world, but if I glossed over the negative and only focused on the positive, I'd be terrible at my job.

    Yes, what Long did was incredibly frustrating for someone in my line of work, but I did my best to make sure I didn't just focus on the bad without the good.

    As always, thanks for reading. I appreciate the feedback, y'all.

  12. #72
    RedCajun's Avatar RedCajun is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

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