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Thread: Long short on words after solid performance

  1. Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Maybe, for his sake, this can be a teachable moment.

  2. #26

    Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    By most accounts he's been a better leader this year. He's stuck up for his teammates when asked somewhat goading quesions (like Jay Wright/other guards after last few losses) and he's done so. You can see on the court that he's getting fired up when other teammates make plays even when he's not involved on the play. He has been vocal on the court as well and he has been fine during interviews/post games before. I certainly can't speak about locker room, but he seems to be making some progress. Last night was a little disappointing WRT the post game but he doesnt need to be crucified for it. He needs to learn from it and move forward. Of course, this entire place has been a damn mob for the last few weeks, so any little thing like this is bound to spark a reaction.

  3. Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    By most accounts he's been a better leader this year. He's stuck up for his teammates when asked somewhat goading quesions (like Jay Wright/other guards after last few losses) and he's done so. You can see on the court that he's getting fired up when other teammates make plays even when he's not involved on the play. He has been vocal on the court as well and he has been fine during interviews/post games before. I certainly can't speak about locker room, but he seems to be making some progress. Last night was a little disappointing WRT the post game but he doesnt need to be crucified for it. He needs to learn from it and move forward. Of course, this entire place has been a damn mob for the last few weeks, so any little thing like this is bound to spark a reaction.
    Who crucified? Many here know waaay more than whats been in the public and have been quite about it, and in most cases, its because they like Shawn Long (I do).

  4. #28

    Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    I am glad everyone was so mature when they were 21. I know I am not mature at 51.
    The thought of this makes me cringe thinking about some of the stuff I said or did at 21 :/ Luckily it's all a distant memory (not that distant). The bad thing now is that everything is now online and are going to follow these kids for the rest of their life. Technology and the future is going to be a lot scarier than people realize.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    He was told to apologize afterwards and he did. But this wasn't his first time doing something questionable, most of it has remained in the program.
    I'm going to have to have a talk with Marlin.

    You should never have to apologize for being thankful.

  6. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    The thought of this makes me cringe thinking about some of the stuff I said or did at 21 :/ Luckily it's all a distant memory (not that distant). The bad thing now is that everything is now online and are going to follow these kids for the rest of their life. Technology and the future is going to be a lot scarier than people realize.
    Thank god there wasn't camera phones and social media when I was 21.

  7. #31
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    You may not care and that is fine. The much larger picture is he is wearing the uniform, his behavior on and off the court represents this university. How is he any different then the softball and baseball athletes that sat before the press and answered questions after being eliminated from a super regional or the softball world series? Or the football athletes that meet with the press post game after a loss? He has apologized for his actions, but last night he conducted himself like a punk.
    This is spot on. He was the face of the team and university and it wasn't a good face. Hopefully he learned his lesson.

  8. #32

    Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    I'm not condoning what he did and I am not happy with what he did, I just think he deserves a little break. Shawn is not easy to get to know (not saying I know him) but he grew up with my nephew and my brother coached him in bitty basketball. If it happens again then I won't be happy. I am glad he apologized and I did not know that this happened in the past. Hopefully moving forward he will show better judgement and leadership off the court.

  9. #33

    Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Thats how good reporters feel. It's their job to hold players accountable and get some sort of reaction. It's in their DNA. I have no problem with Luke feeling that way. Long has been difficult in the past, and this is probably just the latest episode. Players want to get paid to play college sports but they don't want to treat it like a job. Shawn is in a position of leadership for his team and university. He is somewhat obligated to treat that status as a it should be treated; with dignity and respect.
    Bull____!! A college player is NOT accountable to the media for his performances! He is accountable to his team, coaches and school but not the media. For the record, I have no problem with Luke feeling that way either as it is his job and it makes it a lot easier when you can get your answers and move on but I just didn't like the way he called him out in the article.

    Now, to be straight, I'm not saying his demeanor was appropriate nor was his interaction with the media but I also question Luke calling him out. I also am not high on making athletes accessible to the media at the college level but that's a different argument for a different day.

  10. #34

    Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Thank god there wasn't camera phones and social media when I was 21.
    Everyone worries and lashes out against "Big Brother" (and most rightfully so) yet in the meantime sharing their entire life out on social media...but I digress..

  11. #35

    Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    By most accounts he's been a better leader this year. He's stuck up for his teammates when asked somewhat goading quesions (like Jay Wright/other guards after last few losses) and he's done so. You can see on the court that he's getting fired up when other teammates make plays even when he's not involved on the play. He has been vocal on the court as well and he has been fine during interviews/post games before. I certainly can't speak about locker room, but he seems to be making some progress. Last night was a little disappointing WRT the post game but he doesnt need to be crucified for it. He needs to learn from it and move forward. Of course, this entire place has been a damn mob for the last few weeks, so any little thing like this is bound to spark a reaction.
    He apologized afterwards, but his actions were immature. But has he really been crucified any more than Broadway or any other athlete?

  12. #36

    Default Re: Long short on words after solid performance

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    He apologized afterwards, but his actions were immature. But has he really been crucified any more than Broadway or any other athlete?
    Should he be forced to talk?

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