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Thread: UL assistant football coaches to receive bonuses

  1. Default Re: UL assistant football coaches to receive bonuses

    Notice song changed, break even, give or take 10k.

  2. #26

    Default Re: UL assistant football coaches to receive bonuses

    Things that make you go hmmmm

  3. #27

    Default Re: UL assistant football coaches to receive bonuses

    Speaking of things that make you go hhhmmmmmm....Also noticed in the story that ticket sales through UL were down at 11K and change. We had more than 11,000 UL fans there so obviously many UL fans bought from other sources. While I always forego my allotment of priority tickets to sit with my larger group of friends maybe this should finally serve as a wake up call for the admin to finally get off the schneid and institute the long promised points system. The fans obviously are still interested in the game but many (as others have stated here on RP) are not happy with the way tickets are distributed through UL. In the process UL is losing money.

  4. Default Re: UL assistant football coaches to receive bonuses

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Speaking of things that make you go hhhmmmmmm....Also noticed in the story that ticket sales through UL were down at 11K and change. We had more than 11,000 UL fans there so obviously many UL fans bought from other sources. While I always forego my allotment of priority tickets to sit with my larger group of friends maybe this should finally serve as a wake up call for the admin to finally get off the schneid and institute the long promised points.
    Here's two...

    stAte doesn't have one which surprised me (except for 500 club members)

  5. #29

    Default Re: UL assistant football coaches to receive bonuses

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Here's two...

    stAte doesn't have one which surprised me (except for 500 club members)
    Pretty simple and straight forward. My concern would be ULs record keeping of season ticket holders. With the transition to the Cajundome years ago I have a feeling all records were lost prior to that.
    Last edited by BeauCajun; January 12th, 2015 at 10:55 pm. Reason: clarity

  6. Default Re: UL assistant football coaches to receive bonuses

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    Pretty simple and straight forward. My concern would be ULs record keeping of season ticket holders. With the transition to the Cajundome years ago I have a feeling all records were lost prior to that.
    Possibly. If you noticed GSU came up with baseline dates. I sit near a couple that have tickets in basketball dating back to 60's. Odds are, those ticket records are gone. No matter what they design, someone will be unhappy and/or feel screwed. If anyone from the athletic admin is reading this, just do it. Timing is everything. Don't wait and pull a Nelson Stokley, started requiring donation with season tickets after a 2-9 season.

    Just pull the trigger.
    Last edited by ZoomZoom; January 12th, 2015 at 11:49 pm. Reason: Ohio State...ugh....

  7. #31

    Default Re: UL assistant football coaches to receive bonuses

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Speaking of things that make you go hhhmmmmmm....Also noticed in the story that ticket sales through UL were down at 11K and change. We had more than 11,000 UL fans there so obviously many UL fans bought from other sources. While I always forego my allotment of priority tickets to sit with my larger group of friends maybe this should finally serve as a wake up call for the admin to finally get off the schneid and institute the long promised points system. The fans obviously are still interested in the game but many (as others have stated here on RP) are not happy with the way tickets are distributed through UL. In the process UL is losing money.
    I don't know which sources they got their tickets through. But It was almost impossible to get good seats for this game through anyone. I expected a crowd of at least 65,000 when I went to buy tickets. You couldn't get a sideline seat anywhere. I had to get mine as a rebuy through the site form someone who couldn't make the game. I couldn't go either, but I was able to get real nice seats for the family here. Thanks Turbine & my new friends from Breaux Bridge.

    As far as getting them through the school, I was like a day late getting my order in & they told me it was to the back of the line. No offense to the school. I know they have a tough job to do, but when it comes to seats at an entertainment event, when I was poor I was just glad to get in the house. I aint that poor no more, and when I say I want to sit in such & such section & I'm willing to pay for it, then give me what I want. I'll pay extra to sit where I like. The school couldn't guarantee anything. They couldn't even estimate where we'd be sitting. So it became a moot point trying to buy through the school.

  8. #32

    Default Re: UL assistant football coaches to receive bonuses

    i think everyone agrees with you on that, ?Kyle. As good of a job as Matt Casbon does in trying to accomodate everyone (and they'll never please everyone of us) the system he has to work within needs improvement. A point system would benefit both the fans and the school. The fans who contribute the most would be rewarded accordingly and the school would benefit in being able to tell fans who want more to pay more to increase their point total.

  9. #33

    Default Re: UL assistant football coaches to receive bonuses

    I'd like to make a suggestion to the university in regards to ticket sales. Sinc ethey are an institution of higher learning. And since computers are readily available nowadays for book keeping & such. I don't see why it would be so difficult for the school to collect an extra fee per ticket during the football season, for when the school makes a bowl game. That money could be held in an escrow account in the name of the season ticket holders.

    Then when the team became bowl elligible. Those people who have put money down should automatically get some sort of priority on seat assignments. Should the school not make a bowl game that money should be able to be used elsewhere at the discretion of the ticket holder.

    This could easily be done through the RCAF. Each RCAF member has an account number. And there are obviously records being kept of the contributions received. Why not incorporate it into a system where there could be an on line store with a massive amount of different articles people could purchase. Plus be a part of a point system for priority seating at all events. It's time that those who don't support the RCAF to realize that the only way this school is going to ever reach it's full potential as an athletic power is by allowing the RCAF to reach out & grow the community's involvement.

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