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Thread: No change at QB

  1. Default No change at QB

    Bustle not planning on making changes at QB

    The rest of the story

  2. #2

    Default Re: No change at QB

    "We've got to catch the ball out there for him, and we've got to get the quarterback more involved in the running game. We've got to get back to running our offense. We're going to sit down here today and tomorrow and talk more about that."

    I am really tired of screaming PULL THE BALL MASSON!!!!! I sure hope that he starts to pull the ball on zone reads. Pulling the ball means someone has to cover the QB..... duh! If he starts to do that, play action will suck the LB up and crossing patterns will be open.....


  3. #3

    Default Re: No change at QB

    Quote Originally Posted by srevere51 View Post
    _ "We've got to catch the ball out there for him, and we've got to get the quarterback more involved in the running game. We've got to get back to running our offense. We're going to sit down here today and tomorrow and talk more about that."

    I am really tired of screaming PULL THE BALL MASSON!!!!! I sure hope that he starts to pull the ball on zone reads. Pulling the ball means someone has to cover the QB..... duh! If he starts to do that, play action will suck the LB up and crossing patterns will be open.....

    Rev _

    According to the players and coaches, its not about Masson doing this on purpose but rather the teams we've played so far are playing that QB keep with the weak side DE and forcing him to handoff to Sails in the A or B gap. I don't know how they plan on him keeping the ball if it is directly affected by the DE and how he plays the run. I say incorporate the triple option more.

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