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Thread: Coach Edwards

  1. #97

    Default Re: Coach Edwards

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    I assume nobody else does because the question has been asked multiple times and no one has answered. Were they fired or did they quit?
    check your sources, im sure if you put it politely and respectfully you will get an immediate and accurate answer.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Maybe we can't afford wallerstedt? He might have a better gig lined up.he was a DC at a big 12 school...drastic pay difference being a position coach here. Willis could have double his pay as a position coach and he is our DC. Saunders personal reasons are just that, personal.
    Nothing against you, I just don't buy the Saunders thing. Just my opinion. But you may be right about the Matt W pay thing. Figured it be hard to out run the baggage he came with for a while, but maybe he does have another landing spot. Time will tell.

  3. Default Re: Coach Edwards

    Yeah, DC position at even a small school would pay more than outside LB coach at UL - he probably intended to go that route.

    With Willis staying, he had no chance of getting the UL DC job.

  4. #100

    Default Re: Coach Edwards

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Nothing against you, I just don't buy the Saunders thing. Just my opinion. But you may be right about the Matt W pay thing. Figured it be hard to out run the baggage he came with for a while, but maybe he does have another landing spot. Time will tell.
    i didnt buy it at first either but have heard from a few people close to the situation that it was for personal reasons. I just think if Matt W is willing to be a position coach, he can do that somewhere else for a lot more money or get a DC spot at a school in the G5 for more money than a positon coach here.

  5. #101

    Default Re: Coach Edwards

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    IF this is found to be true, RCAF members have to speak up. Coaching circles are very small and tight knit (and the top tier group is even smaller). If the idea that our AD is screwing coaches over is permeating through those cirlces, it's a death sentence for our program guys. And I'm not talking about in the Hud era. Because as soon as Hud leaves this town, we will be dead in the water on the coaching front.
    Even if you try to put the most generous spin on it and instead of saying he is "screwing" the coaches you try to say the new conference bowl revenue sharing plan took funds away that were there in previous years it is still a failure to deliver. And it would seem prudent to go to RCAF to try to obtain the funds. Scuttlebutt is that those efforts to find the money elsewhere were not made.

  6. #102

    Default Re: Coach Edwards

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    check your sources, im sure if you put it politely and respectfully you will get an immediate and accurate answer.
    Duggie asked the question. No one answered.

  7. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    IF this is found to be true, RCAF members have to speak up. Coaching circles are very small and tight knit (and the top tier group is even smaller). If the idea that our AD is screwing coaches over is permeating through those cirlces, it's a death sentence for our program guys. And I'm not talking about in the Hud era. Because as soon as Hud leaves this town, we will be dead in the water on the coaching front.
    Stop. No way do I support reneging promises. But when HUD leaves whenever that may be, there will be 1 million reasons for someone else to want his job. And if no coaches out there want it, I'll be first in line to submit my resume. Hopefully all of you guys will be willing to be my references.

  8. #104

    Default Re: Coach Edwards

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    Duggie asked the question. No one answered.
    its irritating when you have questions that nobody wants to answer isnt it?

  9. #105

    Default Re: Coach Edwards

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    its irritating when you have questions that nobody wants to answer isnt it?
    The answers are being worked on "silently, behind the scenes".

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by duggie85 View Post
    Stop. No way do I support reneging promises. But when HUD leaves whenever that may be, there will be 1 million reasons for someone else to want his job. And if no coaches out there want it, I'll be first in line to submit my resume. Hopefully all of you guys will be willing to be my references.
    Stop what? Like I said, IF this program gets the rep that the AD under cuts assistant coaches concerning pay or whatever, it's a death sentence. Head coach is only as good as his assistants.. See Sean Payton

  11. #107

    Default Re: Coach Edwards

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Even if you try to put the most generous spin on it and instead of saying he is "screwing" the coaches you try to say the new conference bowl revenue sharing plan took funds away that were there in previous years it is still a failure to deliver. And it would seem prudent to go to RCAF to try to obtain the funds. Scuttlebutt is that those efforts to find the money elsewhere were not made.
    Now this I don't agree on. If the coaches were truly "promised" something that the athletic department reneged on, I agree with all of you that the Athletic Department (namely Farmer) is screwing up big time. But if it just so happens that the coaches assumed because in past years they got something that it would be the same this year, then all of a sudden the budget changed and it was because of the revenue sharing that something had to be cut, I don't find any fault there at all for the admin. I don't know about you guys, but in my line of work, when budgets get cut, you have to do the best you can with your allowance.

  12. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by campo118 View Post
    Now this I don't agree on. If the coaches were truly "promised" something that the athletic department reneged on, I agree with all of you that the Athletic Department (namely Farmer) is screwing up big time. But if it just so happens that the coaches assumed because in past years they got something that it would be the same this year, then all of a sudden the budget changed and it was because of the revenue sharing that something had to be cut, I don't find any fault there at all for the admin. I don't know about you guys, but in my line of work, when budgets get cut, you have to do the best you can with your allowance.
    Agreed but this is where trust and built up equity become extremely important.

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