the reason why we have such a talent gap is because we strive for mediocrity and successful players and big name players dont want to play for a team that expects mediocrity. They wanna play for teams who want to be the Best.
Yes its one step at a time, but if you honestly "think you can play with anyone" like Bustle quotes in an interview, then show some balls and back up what you say.
Yes its a money game but another reason why we get overlooked for bowl games is cause we cannot beat anyone credibly good enough to actually get any recognition. so we win sunbelt, and say we do it with a 7-5 record. We'll get over looked because the only teams we beat were sunbelt and mediocre teams. thats why we need to be 8-4 or better.
idk, yall can accept the .500 program we have, i dont like it. We need to do like Nelson Stokely did and actually have winning seasons again. I'm tired of mediocrity.