About 75% of the people I talked to this season said that they wanted to go to a "Better Bowl" this year. I asked "what better bowl are you talking about?" You want to sit out in the freezing rain in Montgomery or Mobile? So where does that leave us for next year. What if we go 10-2? Will fewer go to the New Orleans Bowl? Is the New Orleans Bowl tied in with the Big West again next year? I guess the best possibility is playing a "name" opponent within 6 hours driving distance in an afternoon or night game.
Or get into CUSA....
It wouldn't be a slam dunk. If the nola bowl didn't exist and we were looking at 4 straight go daddy or camelia bowls, that's one thing. But that's the whole point. The nola bowl is great for us and risking being left out when we could've accepted would just be bad business IMO.
And before you say nola would give time, don't think that Karl wouldn't stick it to us if he had the chance.
It's not about people who post their names on here. Many of the more vocal detractors of the administration are well known and their views and comments are quite public. Why do you need to meet with people who have made their points very clear? Busy people such as Scott and T-Joe are better served hearing from people whose opinions they do not already have.
You mean whose opinions they share? Let's be real, it's easy to stand in front of like minded people and talk about what your plans are because they will all agree. But dynamic leaders, businessmen, and politicians cn stand in front of detractors and convince them that their positions and plans are justified or well thought out.
T-Joe and Farmer don't want to meet with their detractors. They want to listen to the guys who worship every step they take. Or at least that is what it seems like to fans who are critical of their leadership.
I have expectations for both academics and athletics. If I were to grade T-Joe and Farmer respectively T-Joe would get a C+ and Farmer would get a C- based off of my expectations. Some would give them both A+ others would give D's. I'd give my reasons why I would rate each the way I do, but I'm turning in for the night. Otherwise I'd have a J1M thesis going on.
Since you're so successful at long conversations following a single email, and are a proud sunshine pumper that never has an unkind word for our admin, I volunteer you to send another solitary email that will get you another impressive hour with Scott, explaining his take on the SBC, CUSA, and what mind blowing (yours) effort that's being put into getting T-Joe in front of every member president, and how we've all but sealed the deal?
As for those that think you have to wait for the UAB stuff to resolve before getting in front of the CUSA presidents... that's the kind of plan that makes your enemies defeat you.
Anyhow, you've been selected. Go find out stuff and report back. You are correct. Sending Girl Scouts out to sell cookies is pretty smart. You don't send angry men. Now get in touch with Scott and sell some cookies.
Oklahoma State became another bowl eligible team, Filling another bowl spot for the Big 12 that would have been open to another conference program. The AAC is the bowl tie this year and in 2017, so they chose a mediocre Pitt team with no bowl tie in. Yes, I think there was an outside chance that a 9-3 UL team that has 3 losses to two to TOP 25 RPI teams and a Tech team in the top 45 RPI. A great chance no, but no shot based upon what?
And when the New Orleans Bowl has to take the SBC Champion and that team isn't UL, they won't be in the New Orleans Bowl. That bowl is not assured to UL as well. The best bowl as long as we are in the SBC, of course? Who said otherwise? It's the only bowl game worth attending in the SBC alignment period.
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