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Thread: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

  1. Default Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    Pride of Acadiana Band ~ 2014 R&L Carriers New Orleans Bowl ~ Halftime Show (Louisiana Ragin Cajuns)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    What's a Marhcing Band?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    You can see/hear this one.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    They spelled out "Cajuns" at the end.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    What's a Marhcing Band?
    A large group of talented students that make college football special.

  6. Default Re: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    Quote Originally Posted by BrockMeaux View Post
    You can see/hear this one.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, The University of Louisiana is proud to present for your halftime enjoyment Louisiana's Marching band.

    Please welcome to the podium drum major Mathew Walling as we round out our tour of pop music of the 80's with Take on Me from Norwegian () pop band Aha.

    HERE is the Pride of Acadiana"
    Best balanced intro possible.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    At the home games if you saw one half time show you seen them all, Thursday night at the start and during the parade our band was (for me) out of character they were jamming their @---s off so I decided to watch the half time show and thank you Jesus that I did they did an AWESOME job hats off to the band IMO they played like our defense lights out. Congrats to all those young men and women.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    I'm usually one of the first people to bash the band....


  9. #9

    Default Re: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    Awesome performance. I believe most watched it before heading to concessions.

  10. #10
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    It really was a great performance by the band. They sounded great in the stands and on the field. There were times many years ago that the band would half-butt playing in the stands. And some band members claimed that it was because their chops got tired. I played first chair trumpet and if I was supposed to get tired of playing, someone forgot to tell me. Anyhow, the band played clean and full volume the entire game. I told my buddy at half time that the arrangements of the retro tunes they played were about the best field arrangements for a marching band I'd ever heard. Dr. Melley is really doing a great job with the band. The field drill was even highly symmetrical and well executed. These kids get into too. It's all good. Kudos to the POA.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    It really was a great performance by the band. They sounded great in the stands and on the field. There were times many years ago that the band would half-butt playing in the stands. And some band members claimed that it was because their chops got tired. I played first chair trumpet and if I was supposed to get tired of playing, someone forgot to tell me. Anyhow, the band played clean and full volume the entire game. I told my buddy at half time that the arrangements of the retro tunes they played were about the best field arrangements for a marching band I'd ever heard. Dr. Melley is really doing a great job with the band. The field drill was even highly symmetrical and well executed. These kids get into too. It's all good. Kudos to the POA.
    Echo your thoughts 100%!! As a former PoA member from the 1970's, I'm THRILLED with the job Dr. Melley has done with them. He GETS it!!

  12. Default Re: Douglas Tate's halftime recording of Louisiana's Pride of Acadiana

    Before the start of our home FB games I kinda mingle with the band before they come down the tunnel....well I was shocked to see the bass players (if that is what they are called) with their arms around each other (like pre-game basketball) doing some type of crazy chant as they swayed back and forth.....obviously I have never been in a band but just got the feeling that there was some love and pride happening!!! Great job.....if we could just fix that fight song.......I'm kidding Brock!!!

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