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Thread: UL Professor, students develop survey for Youngsville residents

  1. Default UL Professor, students develop survey for Youngsville residents

    Residents of Youngsville, La., are being asked to weigh in about public safety, code enforcement, infrastructure, public parks and other city services by completing an online survey.

    The 34-question survey was developed by the University of Louisiana’s Dr. Patricia Lanier, an associate professor of management in the B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration. She worked closely with community leaders to create the survey.

    Lanier, with help from students who are enrolled in UL’s Executive Master’s of Business Administration program, will compile results of the survey, and share them with city officials and civic leaders in Youngsville.

    “Our EMBA students get a wonderful learning experience, and the city will benefit from what amounts to a professional-level consulting group helping to provide information on possible strategic directions,” Lanier said.

    Ken Ritter, a Youngsville City Council member and mayor-elect, said he welcomes the community feedback as he prepares to begin his new role in January 2015. “Results from this survey will assist our incoming leadership team prioritize our community's needs. It is important to me to develop a community plan early in my administration to evaluate how we're doing in the public's mind. These results will assist in guiding decision-making over the next couple of years . . .”

    Youngsville residents have until Friday, Dec. 19 to take the survey by logging on at:
    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

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  3. #3

    Default Re: UL Professor, students develop survey for Youngsville residents

    Qhen I was at usl some of my marketing class did a sba study for our final project. Did it for a company.called eunice marine and sport

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