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Thread: ul student killed in crash

  1. #1

    Default ul student killed in crash

    An 18 yr old arudent was killed in a crash on I10 in hancock county. Details are in sea coast echo pray for her family

  2. #2

    Default Re: ul student killed in crash

    So sad. Condolences to all.

  3. #3

    Default Re: ul student killed in crash

    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    An 18 yr old arudent was killed in a crash on I10 in hancock county. Details are in sea coast echo pray for her family
    Her dad was also killed in the accident. He had driven to Lafayette to pick her up after finals and they were pretty close to home when the accident happened.

    The dad, Randy Wager, was a youth minister. He served locally at Emmanuel Baptist and First Baptist Broussard and was now serving in Mississippi. He was the youth minister to my three oldest children. And, I"m telling you...he deserves a lot of credit for how well my kids turned out.

    Arianna was his oldest daughter and second oldest of four children. The eldest, Keegan, has Down Syndrome.

    Please pray for Jennifer, Randy's wife, and their other three kids.

    My kids are torn up over this.

  4. #4

    Default Re: ul student killed in crash

    A reporter here said it was the worst crash that he had ever covered

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Her dad was also killed in the accident. He had driven to Lafayette to pick her up after finals and they were pretty close to home when the accident happened.

    The dad, Randy Wager, was a youth minister. He served locally at Emmanuel Baptist and First Baptist Broussard and was now serving in Mississippi. He was the youth minister to my three oldest children. And, I"m telling you...he deserves a lot of credit for how well my kids turned out.

    Arianna was his oldest daughter and second oldest of four children. The eldest, Keegan, has Down Syndrome.

    Please pray for Jennifer, Randy's wife, and their other three kids.

    My kids are torn up over this.
    So sad for that family. They're in my prayers.

  6. Default Re: ul student killed in crash

    BOP, I was in that youth group with your kids as well. Completely shocked. I'm always grateful we serve a Sovereign God...but especially today. I don't understand it, not sure I ever will, but am truly grateful for Randy's role in my life and the lives of MANY others.

    Hug your family today...and every day!

  7. #7

    Default Re: ul student killed in crash

    Terrible time of year for this to happen. Prayers go out to the family.

  8. #8

    Default Re: ul student killed in crash

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