This is silly.
Nelson won at least a share of a conference championship 2 out of the 3 years we were in a conference. That's 67%. Currently, we are working on a 25% championship rate. Lost out on the Las Vegas Bowl twice due to tiebreakers. We were Indy the other 10. For those of you with no memory or not old enough to know, there were very few bowl games for Indys back in the day. Bowl game argument is not valid. Especially because they had to change the rules just so we could go since we have such a hard time winning the SBC.
Nelson, on average, played 1 more money game per season than the current staff with an 11 game schedule, not 12.
Nelson, using the above link as reference, played the toughest schedules, BY FAR, of any coach in our history.
Nelson did that with a shoestring budget compared to today.
Nelson had Brian and Jake. Some of you want to fault him for that. Y'all need to imagine this year's squad without McGuire. Not pretty.
Nelson had no TV access.
Nelson had no Administrative support.
Shall I continue?